Khione and Riker

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Hi guys I am excited your reading. Hope you enjoy the way this story is going. 

Riker prov

I walked to the sky lift in a daze. I barley noticed myself take step after step and sit down on the bench. I just concentrated on breathing. I just saw everyone and they didn't see the old me. I briefly thought that they would somehow recognized me or at least see a familiar feature. But I smiled some what in relief. I was unknown to them. But suspicion invaded every thought. Why were they here?

"Fancy meeting you again." I was brought back from my thoughts. I looked up to see the snowboarding girl again. We were on the lift in the same bench. I hadn't even noticed her get on. What was here name? Katelyn no . . . it was Katie. Come to think of it, i only saw her that once.

I smiled at her before responding. "Hi Katie, how are you doing? Came to escape your brothers again." 

"You know me to well in just a one time meet, but yes." She paused and seemed to ponder her next words.  "I couldn't wait to go snowboarding again. You could say I got some what grounded a while before we met and my father only allows me to go certain places within home. Here is one of them."

I frowned, "That sucks. What did you do if you don't mind me asking." Did she steal or maybe kill someone. She was in the Greek world and a minor goddess to boot but her words did have a truth in them.

she laughed at the expression my face made. "I did some things that at the time I thought were right. A rebellion against some of my family at some minor perhaps big issue."

That sounded like a hero speech or at least a small one. Things she thought were right. Hmmm. . .  She must have been in the war with the giants, probably on the giant side. At least she changed somewhat. "Wow. I was not expecting a minor hero speech." 

"What_?" She looked at me. I smirked at her. Then noticed we were almost at the top of the hill. 

"Let get going and maybe after my shift, we will talk later. If your willing to wait for a while at least. It's an hour long class for little kids. This is the last of my lunch break." I hopped of the bench and moved my way across the ground to the edge of the hill, Katie was close behind me.

"I think I can wait. I don't want to be near my brothers for awhile." She glanced down the hill before smirking at me. "I'll race you." Then without warning plunged down the hill. Focused on speed and nothing else. Not wanting to be left behind I followed. . . except I did a few jumps.

I went off a huge jump and soared over Katie's head. She whipped her head up to face me as my shadow went over her. Her shocked expression made me think that she thought I would never catch up, much less while doing a couple jumps. But I had practice and snow was agreeable with me. Much like how I was dry when submerged in water. 

I landed and was accelerating down the last portion of the hill. "Get back here!" Katie shouted. I looked behind to see her trying to catch up, her expression still held a bit of shock.

"Nope, catch me if you can!" I then focused on making my way down the next bit. There was one more jump.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Khione's prov

I stared in shock at his retreating figure. He caught up then had the nerve to jump me on an actual jump. I then realized I won't catch up unless i got going. I tapped into my powers giving myself a push then looked at the distance toward Riker. 

I smiled. I may be trying this without powers but I think i was doing pretty well. Looking at Riker, I couldn't help but feel happy. "Get back here." I shouted for fun. I saw his face as he looked back at me. He smirked again and I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face by winning. 

"Nope, catch me in you can!" He shouted back. He seemed to speed up so i did the same. Maybe I'll do a jump while I am at it. I wanted to use my powers but for once doing something that required skill was a bit fun, at least right now.

I watched as Riker went off the last jump, doing a slow spin. I immediately followed with a similar spin.

I landed right behind him. He glanced at me smiling and i couldn't help but think that this was actually fun. For one in a century, i found something fun and relaxing. I watched as we neared the end of the track the cafe coming into sight. I smiled then spoke, "You won this time but I get you back." He glanced at me as i spoke.

"You can try. I'm king of the slopes. Unless you have something to hide?" He smirked at me. Oh only if he knew he was facing a goddess of snow. 

"Will see. you better get going if you have your class. Unless your trying to hide something. I glanced at the outdoor tables near the door, ready to see some pathetic little mortals waiting. But my vision never got that far. It stopped at the cafe doors. Specifically at a group of kids. Three faces I recognized well. As well as Annabeth's chase whom I met while she designed Olympus. She was looking in my direction, the whole group in fact. I don't think they knew this boy so they must be looking for me.  I looked back at Riker who was looking at me. 

"I'll see you later, after your shift. I think i see some friends of mine to hang out with." He looked at me a bit strange but that was expected with my tone and words. 

"Ok then, see ya later." He walked off towards the little shopping center, not noticing the group at the cafe doors. I walked over towards the group semi-smiling. To any person walking by it looked like I was meeting a group of friends

"What are you doing here?" My words anything but friendly.

Happy Pi day in advance. On March 14 is pie day. (3.14 or |~|(can't do the mathematical pi symbol). No I am not a math geek. That's my sister. (I am the artistic one of the family). Have some pie this Thursday. I certainly will. Keep reading and enjoy!

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