Chapter 6

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Jackson's POV

We instantly started to fight about rather a girl should be able to fight or not until John butts in.

"Storm, if I were you I wouldn't underestimate her. She is our champion after all."

After he says that my jaw is nearly touching the floor. Being champion means that she's undefeated, how did she ever get that good? A ton of thoughts are wandering through my head while I stood there with probably the stupidest look on my face, but I don't care, I was honestly too dumbfounded.

I look over to the mystery fighter to see her gold and silver mask and an emotionless expression on her face, even though I know she's probably still pissed off and thinks that the look on my face is hilarious.

"But she's still a girl! you know what, whatever.if you want me to fight her than I will, but don't complain when your getting dragged out of the rink unconscious."

She just shakes her head at me and gets into a fighting position, me doing the same.

As soon as the bell rings, she attacks like lighting doing a fake punch to my stomach and then round house kicking me in the head, sending me to the ground. Now I'm pissed. I stand up from the floor and start throwing punches left and right at her, which she mostly dodges.

Finally I manage to land a hard punch to the stomach which she just ignores.

She quickly uppercuts me with her left hand then punching me in the stomach with her right.

I just ignored the hits and kicked he hard in the stomach, sending her to the ground.

I try to jump on top of her while she's down but she sees me coming and rolls out of the way.

She takes advantage of my position and jumps on top of me, sending punches all over my body that I know are going to hurt tomorrow.

After 30 seconds of her non stop punches I realize that I have to give up before I'm knocked out completely.

Once I give up, she discreetly leant froward while still straddling my waist.

Dang, I know she's my enemy and all, but dang is she hot.

I mentally shake away my thoughts as she get closer, putting her mouth right next to my ear.

I instantly tensed at her closeness, my breathing becoming more labored as I felt her hot breath on my neck.

I could feel her smirk against my neck before lightly nibbling on my ear, god she is such a tease!

"You shouldn't have underestimated me" she said before getting off of me and claiming her prize money before starting to leave. I just sat there, shocked, before I felt Caden and Austin shaking me throwing comment after comment at me.

"Dude, she just pretty much killed you."

"Dang, she's hot when she fights."

"She just beat you, you are no longer undefeated" Caden says with wide eyes.

"Oh my gosh, your right." Austin says, cautiously staring at me as if I'm about to burst.

As the realization hits me, I clench my fits together at my sides and stand up, starting to follow the mystery fighter out.

As we continued to follow her, Caden and Austin are still behind me talking about the fight and how I got beat by a girl. But I was too pissed to even comment.

As soon as she came into our view, I started clenching my fists even harder.

She just leisurely turns around, probably hearing out footsteps behind her.

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