Little Burgundy Dress - Elias Pettersson

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I held the door open for my friend, Julie, who bounced into the store excitedly

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I held the door open for my friend, Julie, who bounced into the store excitedly. She was always much more excited about shopping for clothes than I was.

We shopped for a short amount of time before we had our arms full of stuff.

"Let's try these on first before we keep adding to our piles" I laughed pulling down some clothing to see Julie's face.

"That's probably a good idea" she giggled following me to the dressing rooms.

She was always super quick with trying on her clothes where as I took my time. I wanted to make sure I really liked them and she already had her mind made up the instant she looked in the mirror.

"Hey" I heard Julie's voice call as a knock came at the door. "I'm all done I'm going to wait for you on this chair right outside your door"

"Got it! I'll be done soon!" I called out to her.

I put on a burgundy colored dress and looked at myself in the mirror. I had no idea if I liked it or not.

I never really wore burgundy, I wasn't sure if it was for me or not. I knew Julie would have the answer so I decided I would just ask her since she was waiting right outside.

"How do you think this looks? I'm not sure how burgundy looks on me but're not Julie" I said stopping dead in my tracks when I was met with a tall blonde male sitting in the chair instead of Julie.

"What gave it away?" He chuckled.

"I'm sorry, my friend said she was going to be waiting right here" I explained embarrassed.

"Oh, well this seat was empty when I found it I've been here for a few minutes waiting for some friends" he said straightening in the chair.

"Oh, she must have left. I'm so sorry" I nervously laughed starting to retreat back into my dressing room.

"Oh, by the way" his voice stopped me from closing the door and made me look back up at him. "I think you look stunning, burgundy might be my new favorite color" he smiled.

I couldn't hold the blush back that spread quickly across my face.

"Thank you, that's probably a more honest opinion than hers anyways. She would just say anything looks good on me" I giggled lightly.

"I think she might be right about that one"

This guy was adorable. He was flattering but not in a creepy way and seemed bashful all at the same time.

"I think I might just have to get this dress" I smiled brightly walking back into the room.

When I walked out I was half expecting the male to still be sitting there and to my surprise I was kind of disappointed that he wasn't.

I found Julie searching the racks with a bunch of clothes already in her hand.

"Thanks for ditching me, I made a complete fool of myself" I laughed approaching her.

"Sorry, but look at all this good stuff though I couldn't help it" she said excitedly.

"Whatever you say, Julie" I rolled my eyes walking away from her with a laugh.

I was searching through racks when I heard a voice behind me.

"Looks like I was right"

"About what?" I spun to meet the blonde from outside the dressing room.

"You're beautiful in anything you wear" he smiled at me.

"I believe the word you used previously was stunning" I smirked at him.

"Stunning, beautiful, gorgeous, alluring take your pick they're all true." He chuckled looking slightly nervous.

"I'm Y/N" I held my hand out.

"Elias" he shook my hand. "You're getting the dress" he pointed out nodding with his head towards the dress that was in my hands.

"You know, someone built it up to me a lot I couldn't not get it" I giggled picking at the burgundy fabric. "Who knows when I'll even need a dress like this but it's always good to have"

"Well, what if you wear it when I take you out?" He shifted nervously. It made me smile. "If you want to, I mean"

"I would like that actually" I shyly smiled tucking some hair behind my ear. "Here give me your phone" I held my hand out.

He placed his phone in my hand and I dialed my number until my phone rang.

"Now you have my number" I smiled holding up my ringing phone.

"Smart idea" he took his phone back.

"Just text or call me when you wanna go out" I smiled turning away as my phone rang.

I looked at the screen and turned back to Elias.

"Are you really calling me right now?" I giggled.

"You said call or text when I wanted to take you out" he smirked slightly.

"Well my friend definitely could shop for a few more hours and I already found a great Elias approved dress...we could grab coffee or tea or something around the corner?"

"I just texted my friends I was leaving, that sounds great" he smiled holding out his hand.

I smiled quickly sending Julie a text before placing my hand in his as he gripped it.

"We have to pay for that dress first" he stopped me tugging my hand towards the registers.

"I would have totally forgot" I shook my head.

"I'm glad you didn't" he smiled pulling me close to him as we stopped to wait in the line for the registers. "I'm serious about you wearing that when I take you out you look amazing in it"

He wrapped his arms around my middle and my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck.

"Done and done" I smiled taking a deep breath.

"I'm glad I took your friends seat" he chuckled lightly.

"I'm glad you did too" I rubbed his arms gently.

"That dress will always be my favorite of yours now"

"It's a great dress" I laughed.

It was an amazing dress. Me not knowing how I felt about that little burgundy dress led me to meet Elias in the most spontaneous way possible. He had already proven to be sweet, kind and a gentleman, I owed a lot to that dress. It would always be my favorite dress now too.

Player requested by: mitchyymarns

Thanks for requesting! ☺️

Also! If you haven't already everyone should totally check out mitchyymarns' nhl imagines! Incredible writing from such a sweet person! ❤️❤️❤️

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