hidden away

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The two spent another blissful month with one another, then even though type protested, tharn sold his home, to follow type has he re entered his acedamy.
With a few masker spells, no one could tell tharn was there in types dorm room. To some points type had to pinch tharn to make sure this as real and so was he.
When he did, tharn would get back at him ten fold.
Another month passed,the two were not speaking of what tharn really wished to do, type kept it on the back of his mind however.
To a study session, type had his friends about in his dorm room to the living room section.
Tharn was to the bed,watching over them.
Blix straightened up, to be turned to type with her index finger to his forehead.
He was turned to her, taking deep breathes.
"I.....do not wish to really hurt you type."
"I know......but you must practice this. I have already perfected this. Now blix,I'll be fine."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
Blix took a deep breathe in to utter incantations under her breathe.
Type winced to lean back, placing a hand to his forehead.
Blix leaned back looking apologetically.
There heads both turned hearing a noise.
Tharn took a deep breathe but stayed.
Even though type did not like tharn in his head, times like these, he allowed him in, since that one spell, disappated.
Blix kept her head turn looking about.
Type looked to her.
"Mmm what are you...."
Blix turned her head to eye type.
"Type......for this passed month....i keep hearing things.... Is.....someone else here?"
Type rolled his eyes.
"You are changing the subject, you Need to learn this. Not that difficult to place a subjective thought in another's mind."
Blix leaned back, to raise an eye brow.
"Or maybe.....the dummy doll i gave you is being over used......or not enough.......could that be what I'm hearing....."
Type stood to grab blix by the arm. He knew tharn only had so much patience and control.
"Blix, i believe it is time for you to leave. You need to practise this and not let your mind wonder."
Blix pouted has type pulled her along.
They stopped to the door for blix to take her arm away.
"Type.......what is the noise i am over hearing."
Types ears turned red. He thought of a dirty thing to make them so.
Blix smiled wide.
"Mmm......hmmm....thought.....so. Remember type.....those dummy dolls do have a life span. Treat it well.... May i ask, what do they....."
Type opened his door head hung.
"Blix.....if you please....."
She smiled wide to leave.
Type closed the door to sign.
Blix......you are so lewd
Being pushed, to the door a bit, type looked down, to see his pants being unbuttoned to be unzipped invisibly.
He signed.
"Tharn......i wish to see you.....take the....nnnn....."
Type placed his forehead to the door, looking down has his erection disappeared to be sucked on.
"Mmmmm.....tharn.....Maybe.....aaah.....you really are a ghost....."
Seeing his member, he could tell tharn was going to take the vile.
Lightly chuckling, type turned to try and place his member away to then be pulled to the bed, tossed to all fours, he hung his head to look down.
The vile took a moment to make a person re appear.
He watched has his pants and boxers disappeared.
"Mmm tharn we can wait til.....aaaah."
Type was pushed down to have his chest to the bed, head turned to the side, he gripped the bedding has he felt the thrusting.
Tharn was bent over types back to go to his ear.
"I'm sure......I'm better then the dummy doll."
Type bit his lip.
His body went up and down with the friction.
"Aaah honestly....ddd.....don't....know....mmm.little to the.....oh my!"
Tharn started to re appear, he wrapped his hand Around to grab types member to stroke.
Type moaned louder.
"Sssaaaaah tharn! Can't stop.......don't stop......cumming!"
Type exploded on the bed.
Tharn moved him about, to go in between his legs to thrust faster.
Type wrapped his arms and legs about.
The two then placed there lips to another's.
Tharn filled types cavity twice.
The two laid to there sides, in a tight and close embrace, holding hands, with bright wide smiles.
"Tharn......you need to control your movements when i have guests over."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Hard too sit still when you Get hurt my beloved."
"From time to time, it will happen, blix......she needs to practise."
Tharn leaned up to look down.
Type turned his head to look to him.
"You.....do not have any..... Strong feelings for her....do you type?"
Type signed.
"If i did.....you would not be here. She is nothing but a friend."
Type turned to keep his eyes up.
"Tharn....we do need to discuss.....what you wish to do."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Your.....changing the subject also....."
Tharn pushed type to his back to go down to kiss his stomach.
Type cocked his head to the side, hands to either side of his head.
"Tharn.....you are changing the subject."
Tharn leaned up, hands to types sides, to look up.
"Type.....i am already, doing what i wish to be doing. Be with you. Now...."
Type took a deep breathe in.
Leaning up, he place his hands to either side of tharns head to see what he wished to do. Types eyes widen.
Tharn brought up his hands to wrap them around types wrists, to take them down to push type gently back.
Type looked to him apologetically.
"You and i both know, you wouldn't have told me that......its.....impressive.....commendable, you should...."
Tharn threw types hands down to get up, to place on his clothes.
Type moved to the edge to look up at tharn.
"Tharn.....please do not be mad."
Tharn turned his head to eye type.
"I was going to tell you, type.....you had no right.....i.....need a moment."
Type hung his head to sign.
"Tell me.....when you wish....to come back...."
Type waved to have a portal come about.
Tharn signed.
"I love you type."
Types eyes widen to see tharn part.
Has the portal closed type flopped to the bed.
An ambassador for every kind rights.....
Wow tharn.....that is remarkable.

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