why do i feel has such?

586 51 14

To the grand room, type departed from his friends to look down at his open book, eyes darted.
Why did you help them? They are of hunter descendant? The same ones who tried to kill you and ended your father.
Type gritted his teeth to take a deep breathe.
Control yourself, too mad Yourll make it rain in here again.
Taking his pen, type started to draw there eyes absentmindly to a piece of blank paper.
This class, held nothing for type. He knew every spell, incantation, knew of the brief history they were teaching, type found this class rather boring. After this one, there were two more that held about the same stance you him. It all came so easy for type, without him even to try hard.
Many envied him, others were jealous of it while most were confused on how he came about what he could do. If type was alone for a period of time, he would have hexs placed on him, which he usually got rid of, or the worse, frozen without having the ability to move However type create something that could seem has he would be frozen without freezing.
No one knew of this. Type could create his own things from time to time, if found out he would have to move again and be studied by the elites. He was studied enough after he was evaluated.
Done drawing, type looked it over staring intently to those eyes.
Shaking his head confused why he felt such a thing, he waved his hand across to erase.
Why am i feeling in such a way for them?
You might be losing your mind.
At home we will just have to erase the memory.
Signing, type looked up to pay some what attention to the teacher to then roll his eyes. Those 5 bullys were looking to him in anger.
Type tried and hard to stay under some what of a radar.
By the end of his 3rd class, type decided to meet alone with these 5. Snapping his fingers, he's back pack went home.
Going to a some what secluded place, the 5 came to him, one by one.
Type looked to each.
"Is....this What you are truly to desire?"
The main one came forth while the 4 went to the side.
"Mmm, well has you said. Magic is prohibited in the way we used it. However, since you helped the decedent of a hunter, its a bit of a betrayal of us. Is it not?"
Type rolled his eyes.
"Can we get this over with?"
The bully raised his eye brow.
Type shook his head.
"Its prohibited outside the classroom."
He stepped forward has did the others.
"Noble....but foolish."
They all pounced.
To the ground, they had thrown type down to take turns kicking him.
Coming from the grand library, tharn came out. He was trying to learn all he can.
Looking to the side he heard, laughter.
Going forth, he saw that witch getting beaten up. Watching it was a bit odd. He heard of him.
Why not use your magic?
Taking a deep breathe, tharn brought up his thumb to cut into it. Crouching he placed a drop to the ground. It went to each of them to freeze.
Tharn stood to go to type, who laid to the ground, breathing heavily, hands over his head.
Tharn crouched down eyeing him.
Type gulped to take his hands down to look up.
There eyes darted.
"This....will not last long. Come on."
Tharn stood up to hold out a hand, type looked to it Then to him.
"Let me help you."
Type furrowed his eye brows to take a hand up.
Tharn wrapped types arm around his shoulder to pull him. The effects were then starting to wean.
To a bathroom, type sat eyeing there back.
Tharn had his back turned, to get a towel, wet to then turn around bending slightly to dab at the blood.
Type kept his eyes to his. Tharn kept his to the task at hand.
"Orphan hunter? Does it not bother you to help a witch?"
Tharn signed to get up to eye.
Type peered his eyes up.
"I do have a name. Also i could ask you of the same. You did helped me earlier, can you tell me why?"
Types eyes darted.
"What.....is your name?"
"What is yours?"
Why are you asking him of this?
Taking a deep breathe, type went against he's better judgement.
"Type ramkla."
"Tharn kelo."
Bending back, tharn went to types lip to get the blood to come off.
"So.... why did you help me type?"
"Well, it was prohibited."
Tharn nodded.
"Why did you help me?"
"It was not right what they were doing to you. Be witch or not."
Type nodded.
Leaning back, tharn looked over type.
"It is all gone. When you get home you should do a healer elixer. You will have bruises."
Tharn turned to throw the towel away to then wash his hands.
Type stood to look over his back.
A smile started to grow upon his face.
Hanging his head, he shook it.
What is going through your mind.....He is a orphaned hunter descent and a male. Why are you feeling such things.....
Type brought up a hand to his head to look angerly to the floor.
Tharn looked to the walls, things started to peel.
Turning, he saw the witch was growing angery.
Stepping he placed his hand over his to his head.
Type stopped his anger to look up with widen eyes. There eyes darted.
"Are you feeling pain?"
Type lowered his hand to shake his head.
"No......i am but fine."
They stood there for a moment not quite sure why they let silence surround them.
Looking down type saw they were holding hands.
Tharn following his gaze took it immediately away.
They kept there heads hung, feeling embrassed and awkward.
"Um....thank you for today. Be well."
Snapping his fingers, type was gone.
Tharn raised his head looking to the empty chair.
Bringing up his hand he eyed it. Why did you hold there hand?
To type, he was to his room laying to his back, looking to his ceiling, head to the side looking up, the hunter was there looking Back down at him.
Type couldn't help it, the first time in. 16 years of life, he felt something for another.
Something deep.
Bringing the elixer to his lips, he slowly drank too feel himself getting better.
"Mmm Tharn kelo......"
Type smiled at the name.
Then he signed.
You should take this out of your mind type. Erase the memory with a forget me knot, but.....why can't i bring myself too...
There is something different about him. Can't put my finger on it.
To tharn, he kneeled down, head hung, looking to the ground.
His adoptive parents stood before him. Both human but knew the ways of the hunters.
"Did you learn more about them? Bring anyone back with you?"
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"Learned a bit and no. I was bullied then they all went through the portals going home."
They signed. The mother parted has the father looked to tharn holding out a hand.
"Show me."
Tharn took in a deep breathe to lift his head to put his palm on his. Oddly he did not show that new witch. He also for the first time manipulated what he was showing to his adoptive father.
Parting he signed.
"You need to bring one soon tharn......my cancer is advancing."
Tharn stood to nod.
"Also learn all that you can."
"I shall."
"Good. Now its time for bed. Go."
Tharn nodded to part.
To his room tharn sat to the edge looking down at his rubbing it.
He furrowed his eye brows.
Why didn't you tell vino & tula of that one witch?
Why were you holding that thing hand? More importantly, why didn't you seem to want to let go?
Tharn took a deep breathe to lift his head looking to the back of his door.
Remember those things killed your parents tharn.....
But.....this one seems different.....i....think i like him...
Tharn signed.
You are an imbecile.

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