to be mine once more

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To the shower, the two was in a close embrace, tharn was behind type, with a wash cloth to his chest to clean.
Type kept his head hung, with a smile.
Since yesturday, the two had remained silent. Neither wished too ruin there sweet reunion.
Turning, type took the wash cloth away, to bring it up mid air to let it drop, to then wrap his arms around his neck to bring his forehead to his.
They swayed a bit.
They started to float through the galaxy once more. Type lightly chuckled.
Bringing up his chin, tharn placed his lips to his.
Parting they placed there foreheads back to another, after a moment, type lowered his head to place it to tharns chest, to him a bit.
He loved listening to tharns heart.
Tharn then wrapped his arms around type.
They stood in the shower, refusing to let the other one go.
Once they both were cleaned, they went to the bed.
Falling asleep, tharn woke first to look to the wall with a giant grin.
Type was still on top of him, with his arms wrapped around, cheek to his heart.
Tharn peered his eyes down, to then run his hand on types head.
Then he started to play absentmindly to his hair.
This is the first time type, you have ever fallen asleep on my chest.
I can see you have very much Missed me and my heart.....
Tharn smiled wide.
I've missed you so much my love.
Type shuffled a bit to open his eyes looking around.
Moving his head, type placed his chin on tharns chest to look up. There eyes darted.
"We.....need to talk tharn."
Tharn nodded. He was expecting this.
Moving about, tharn laid to his back, with type on him, back to his chest. They intertwined there hands both looking to them.
"Ask me anything type."
Type took a deep breathe in.
"What......happened to mother?"
Tharn took a deep breathe in, to un intertwine there hands, to wrap his Arms around types body.
Type brought up his hands to his arm.
He closed his eyes.
"She's.......dead Type."
Types whole body quivered.
"How? Is it because of me?"
Tharn shook his head.
"Did you....."
"In a sense, yes. I took all her years, i gave you what she took, then what she took from munme amd Deshir, then, i can't explain it......they all started to flood out til, she was......"
Type leaned his head to tharns chest to look forward.
"Mmm,you didn't kill her tharn. Once you started to take those years, others. She had stolen from, probably could sense it, they did the rest."
Tharn held type tighter.
"What are you feeling about it?"
Tharn shrugged.
"You know what she did to me. To a point, i am to be happy about it, the other side, i feel pity for her. You are all i have left. My only family."
Type smiled wide.
"You....know what i said last time, it's true tharn."
Type turned his head to look up.
Tharn peered his eyes to him.
"I love you type."
Type smiled.
"I love you too tharn. sorry it has taken me.....this long too believe."
Tharn brought a hand up to stroke types cheek.
"Type.......will you be my boyfriend?"
Type turned in tharns embrace to lay on his body, looking up.
"You and i tharn........can't deny any longer.....we are so much more."
Type leaned up to place his lips to tharns to part.
There eyes darted.
Type smiled.
"Yes. Yes tharn kelo."
Tharn brought his hands to types face to pull him to his lips.
They weaved and woved there heads back and forth placing there tongues, twisting them about, in the others mouth.
Tharn then parted them, relucently, to eye type.
"There is More to discuss ty....."
Tharns eyes widen has type placed his index finger to his lips.
"I know tharn, however, i wish to make love to my man."
Type moved his hands back, to take down the covers, to take a hand back, to lather lube to tharns member to then place it in.
Type lifted his head back to moan.
Tharn leaned up, to wrap his arms around his body, head to the side, to thrust in full into type.
"Mmmm type.......i love you."
Type smiled, to bring up his hands from his side's, to take them to tharns head to grip his hair, has his body went up and down on his length.
Tharn then moved his head to go to types nipple to lick.
Type Hung his head, moaning softly.
"Aaaaah tharn! So good."
"Mmmm, wish to bring you pleasure."
Types eyes widen, to push tharn to the wall.
Tharn stopped thrusting to look at type a bit bewildered.
Type breathed heavily, to take a hand to tharns chest to stroke.
He then took a deep breathe in.
This is real, tharn is real, not a dummy doll.
Tharn looked to type with an eye brow raised, to take a hand up to his chin, to lift it.
"Type? What is the matter?"
Types eyes darted to look to tharn in sorrow.
"I.....need to tell you something."
Tharn cocked his head to the side.
Type took a deep breathe in.
"I......missed you so much and i......used"
Tharn lightly chuckled to turn them around, to thrust in full into type.
Type wrapped his arms around.
"Oh my tharn!"
Tharn went to his ear.
"I'm not a dummy doll type. This is real. I am the real tharn. I love you."
Type gripped tharns back.
"I've.....used one.....from time to time.....couldn' myself......aaaaah...."
Types eyes widen.
"How.....many times?"
"Do not be jealous type, only 4, just laid with them, they were always you......mmmmm......can't.....hold....aaaah!"
Type gripped harder, he couldn't hold back either.
They both came and hard.
Laying, tharn was to types chest, with his arms wrapped around, type had his hands to tharns head.
"You.....didn't Do anything.....with them?"
" i Did not......just laid.....did you?"
Type chewed his cheek.
"A.....little further then holding but, they couldn't make me hard. I felt so....disgusted with myself, felt has if i cheated on you."
Tharn moved his head to look up.
"Did they look like me?"
Type nodded.
"Did....they ever go inside? Did they kiss you?"
Type shook.his head.
"Then.....let's forget of them. It is in the past. You and i are each others future. Right?"
Type smiled wide to nod.

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