Interview With @CharaWelling - You'll wish I didn't know

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1. What is your book called?

A: You'll wish I didn't know

2. What is your book about?

A: All of us have secrets. And we call them secrets for a reason. Because we don't want people to know. Lexy is an 18 year-old girl who is happy for the first time in her life after her mother's death. She can smile again and all that thanks to her boyfriend, Luke. He is the most honest and loyal boyfriend a girl could have. And nice! He is very very nice, almost so nice that it is impossible to believe. What really happens when Lexy finds out that Luke isn't who she thinks he is..? What will happen when Lexy discovers Luke's darkest secret?

3. What genre is your book?

A: Fanfiction and Thriller(?)

4. Is your book a series?

A: For now it's not but I was thinking about making a sequel

5. Is your book complete?

A: Yeah xoxo

6. What gave you the idea of your book?

A: OKAY PEEPS IT'S STORY TIME! No no jk I was sitting with my bff at starbucks and she was telling me how she got cheated and wanted to take revenge so I turned into a book

7. What do you do if you have writers block?

A: Eat a lot of chocolate

8. Do you have any goals for your book?

A: Well I don't know but I'd really like it if it had more reads or whatever :)

9. Do you have a favourite character? If so who and why?

A: My favourite character would have to be either Lexy or Jason. Lexy is kind of "evil" and that's why I kind of like her. She's been through a lot! And Jason because he always helps Lexy but he teases her all the time because he knows she needs him.

10. Are you happy with your book?

A: Yeah it turned out good!

11. What has been the best compliment you have received for your book?

A: Is it weird that I don't have a favourite? All of the comments were amazing

12. Why should people read your book?

A: If you like reading about deaths and revenges and all that you should totally check it out ;)

13. Any last words?

A: I love yous:3


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