Interview With @crazyfangirl4life - HARRY POTTER NEXT GENERATION

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1. What is your book called?


2. What is your book about?

A:Its a fanfiction about Harry, Hermione, Ron and the others' children during THEIR time at Hogwarts.

3. What genre is your book?

A: Fanfiction

4. Is your book a series?

A: May be I will make it a series. But right now, its only one book.

5. Is your book complete?

A: Yeah, it's totally complete!

6. What gave you the idea for your book?

A: The 'NINETEEN YEARS LATER' part of course, and also some of the other fanfictions on Wattpad inspired me to write this book.

7. What do you do if you have writers block?

A: I eat lots and lots of chocolate!

8. Do you have any goals for your book?

A: Yeah, 1K votes!!

9. Do you have a favourite character? If so who and why?

A: I love all of them, but James Sirius Potter is my favourite because he reminds me of Sirius, James and Fred!

10. Are you happy with your book?

A: Yeah!

11. What has been the best compliment you have received about your book?

A: That I have made a great personality of James. the comment was by @Jonathon_Levi.

12. Why should people read your book?

A: would really love it if you could give my book a look. And I love you all for taking time to read i

13. Any last words?

A:It. Thank you, @Paigegold for interviewing mW!

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