Interview With @SunshinexLollipops15 - Zombie Wars

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1.What is your book called? 

A: Zombie Wars

2.What is your book about?

A: Paisley is not condoning violence or anything. No, she's just forced to fight for any chance of survival while a race of mutant zombies are out for her blood. But don't think she is a trigger-happy teenager. No, she just has to slash through dozens of zombies a day, along side her best friend Hayden and the only person that has a chance of helping them, Dr. Robert Swat. But don't think she is just some teenager who had a bad nightmare and this story is going to follow her through that confusing journey. No, this stuff is real. They are real. The war is real. This is her challenge, her destiny.

This is the Zombie Wars.

The only problem with this is, Zombie Wars is well-known to many teens and adults around the world. It's the top video game, number one on all the charts. It's something that she has never played before but has been forced to watch on a regular basis as her best friend Hayden shoots away.

But what happens when the game becomes a reality? No more fun and games.

This is real.

3.What genre is your book?

A: Horror, Teen Fiction .

4.Is your book a series?

A:Not that I am planning. For now, it's just A story.

5.Is your book complete?

A: Nope, just uploaded the first chapter :p

6.What gave you the idea for your book?

A: To be honest, I can't really remember. I am pretty sure I have wanted to do this since I was twelve which is coming up to two years ago.

7.What do you do if you have writers block?

A: Rewrite the chapter I am stuck on about three times until I get it.

8.Do you have any goals for your book?

A: Yes. I hope that it gets more reads and hopefully, it will be good enough to put in the Wattys.

9.Do you have a favourite character? If so who and why?

A: I have only introduced two characters at the moment but it defiantly has to be Hayden Apps. (Josh Hutcherson is who portrays him!)

10.Are you happy with your book?

A:Yes! I have actually made it a lot more descriptive. A couple of people have commented on it about how descriptive it is. :)

11.What has been the best compliment you have received about your book?

A: At the moment:

"Omgg ur work is so good. I honestly cant believe ur thirteen!! Continue this bc its amazing"

12.Why should people read your book?

A: Because it is different and unique with frequent updates that happen every two weeks! :D

13.Any last words?

Thanks for the interview! Hi Mum! *Waves at camera.*

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