Interview With @xMissMysteryx - Im Not Alice

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1.What is your book called?

I'm not Alice.

2.What is your book about?

"I'm not Alice, I am Taylor and I will not let him take that away from me."  Once upon a time, there was a man. A man who just so happened to live with 7 perfect princesses. Aurora, Rapunzel, Snow White, Bella, Cinderella, Ariel and Alice. Except the are not princesses. They are girls whom the man has kidnapped and then forced to play pretend. But will this be a happy ever after or will these princesses show that there is no such thing as perfect.

3.What genre is your book?

Mystery/Thriller and Adventure.

4.Is your book a series?

Nope, unless I can be bothered which I don't see happening. Haha. ;)

5.Is your book complete?

Not yet.

6.What gave you the idea for your book?

I always loved writing kidnapping books and fairy tales gone wrong so it just seemed right to merge the two of them together.

7.What do you do if you have writers block?

Nothing special, I usually just don't write for ages. Carry on with my life minus the writing until I can be bothered again.

8.Do you have any goals for your book?

I really want to get one published but I don't see that happening.

9.Do you have a favourite character? If so who and why?

I would have to say Chloe, she just says the funniest things at times and the fact that she is based on one of my best friends is pretty cool too.

10.Are you happy with your book?


11.What has been the best compliment you have received about your book?

This was probably my favourite comment and look, it is by you so yeah. :)

WOW!!! This story is amazing. I was so intrigued by it that i had to keep reading. You describe it really well that i can picture it in my mind. I cant wait for the next update. You are an amzing writing and i hope you keep writing books :)

12.Why should people read your book?

Because it will make you feel happy and sad and maybe even cry. I have some pretty intense stuff that I want to do with it so if you like that then it is perfect for you.

13.Any last words?

Just that I love you all, regardless of whether you have read the book or not.

Hugs and Insanity,


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