Interview With @Peggychan15 - Mystique

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1.What is your book called?


2.What is your book about?

It's mostly a dark 'romantic' thriller about love between two heartless people and about following your own destiny--not letting the others decide for you.

3.What genre is your book?

Werewolf, Vampire, Mystery/Thriller and Romance.

4.Is your book a series?

No, but there will be a sequel hopefully.

5.Is your book complete?

Not yet.

6.What gave you the idea for your book?

nothing really special...just a picture I found at google with a vampire and a werewolf fighting.

7.What do you do if you have writers block?

I listen to the 'theme music' of the my book (yes, I've made a palylist for it) and just listen to it and I will get my ideas. Or I just talk with my friends about the story and they really do help me a lot!

8.Do you have any goals for your book?

Yeah! But, not being a wattpad celebrity or something! I want to publish it one day.

9.Do you have a favourite character? If so who and why?

Nice question...I don't know actually! All of the characters have different and unique personalities with their own secrets and stuff. I can't really decide-- but I think it's my main character, Evan (I think!)

10.Are you happy with your book?


11.What has been the best compliment you have received about your book?

Well...there are many nice comment n=but most of them say, that thisis a very unique story with nice storyline and amazing characters and actually this book was read by peopel who don't like werewolf and avmpire genre.

12.Why should people read your book?

This is my best effort since english is not my native language and I'm doing my best. Also its a different story with a twisted plot. I don't think its cliche. I love my characters already and the plot is really great and I hope people enjoy it.

13.Any last words?

Well, I love my fans, supporters and friends!! I love you all! :D

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