Interview With @SangeethaGowda - When Mr Popular meets Abby Hart

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1.What is your book called?

When Mr Popular meets Abby Hart

2.What is your book about?

It's a first person narrative written through the eyes of Naomi whom is caught between the likes of Hunter Ryan (captain of the basketball team, popular, attractive) and Abby Hart (Hunter's ex girlfriend and Queen B of her previous school)

3.What genre is your book?

Teen fiction/Romance with a hint on Comedy here and there

4.Is your book a series?

No, just a one off sort of thing

5.Is your book complete?

Not at the moment as I only started it a little while ago

6.What gave you the idea for your book?

Actually the character of John in 'John Tucker must die' inspired Hunter's character and I like to write stories that have that seemingly cliche high school vibe however with a twist. For example the relationship between Hunter and Naomi isn't just 'bad boy meets good girl' or 'popular guy and nerdy girl' but rather Naomi is confident, sure of herself and not 'stupid enough' to just fall for Hunter (although she is not classified as one of the popular girls).

7.What do you do if you have writers block?

Probably...just listen to music, watch some movies, grab a chai latte haha or go for a walk and observe different things to get some inspiration. Or read some things I have previously written down about possible book ideas and then get writing again.

8.Do you have any goals for your book?

I would love to get on the top 1000 list on wattpad. But other than that, probably just to have more people reading and getting into my writing would be awesome!

9.Do you have a favourite character? If so who and why?

Ooh, that's a tough one. Hunter makes me laugh and Abby is pretty cool but, I think Naomi. She's just so sure of herself and I love her confidence in the way that she doesn't care whether she's accepted or is popular or not. She's really care free and just does what she wants.

10.Are you happy with your book?

Yes because I feel my writing's really progressed lately and I get to showcase that in this new book.

11.What has been the best compliment you have received about your book?

Probably that it is good and I should 'keep going' which is great to hear as it gives you the encouragement needed to know that 'hey people are reading this and it's good'

12.Why should people read your book?

I guess it's not your typical cliche story plus it's interesting in the way that there is more than meets the eye to some characters. (*wink* *wink*) haha

13.Any last words?

Firstly thanks for the interview and I guess just check out my book and tell me what you think! And I'm always up for a chat (especially if it involves TVD/the originals) so yeah :)

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