Interview With @butterfly440 - Soul Bound

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1. What is your book called?

Soul Bound

2. What is your book about?

Girl that becomes a Greek goddess.

3. What genre is your book?

Fantasy, Romance.

4. Is your book a series?

Yes, but the book is still in the works.

5. Is your book complete?

No .

6. What gave you the idea for your book?

I had seen it in a dream and just had to write it down.

7. What do you do if you have writers block?

I jam out to some music, that usual helps the ideas flow out. I also force myself to write sometimes just to see what comes out.

8. Do you have any goals for your book?

I want it to reach 2,500 reads. It almost has 1,000.

9. Do you have a favorite character? If so who and why?

I cant pick. >.<

10. Are you happy with your book?


11. What has been the best compliment you have received about your book?

That it portrayed the Greek gods good.

12. Why should people read your book?

Because I would really appreciate it, and it's a book that deserves the attention.

13. Any last words?

I love you all and all the support you can give me is much appreciated.

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