Interview With @MysteriousJelly - Fools Gold

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1. What is your book called?

A: My book is called Fools Gold [h.s]

2. What is your book about?

A: It's about a girl that has made the worst decision on one unfaithful night. Her boyfriend is every girls dream boat but she doesn't see it that way anymore when a certain Harry Styles is the devil on her shoulder. He will changer her for the worst.

3. What genre is your book?

A: Fanfiction

4. Is your book a series?

A: No, I want it to be a novel. More than fifty chapters. or so.

5. Is your book complete?

A: No. right now i just started it.

6. What gave you the idea for your book?

A: A lot of possessive fanficton out there. The dominant Harry Styles, who is just a relationship wrecker just seem very alluring to me, so i said 'Why not make one myself?'

7. What do you do if you have writers block?

A: I will some times stare at the screen for the longest while or watch funny vines videos or one direction interviews. And if all that fails, take a nap in front of the Tv.

8. Do you have any goals for your book?

A: I want to take it far. Further than my other books that received over a 1000+ reads. I want to be somewhat famous with this one but i want people to enjoy my work just as i see for other popular fanfic's out there

9. Do you have a favorite character? If so who and why?

A: Yes my main female protagonist is my favorite character. I like putting my self in her shoes and see how I would handle her scenarios. I can relate to her feelings and actions.

10. Are you happy with your book?

A: Yes, right now i am. So far...

11. What has been the best compliment you have received about your book?

A: That its a awesome book so far. and that its a very good one.

12. Why should people read your book?

A: Why? because i will not disappoint those who read. It has a very good plot and idk haha i just know people will love it as much as i love writing it :) I hope that explain at least a little.

13. Any last words?

A: Please read my book because i know you will all like it. :)

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