Interview With @xxCancerbaby98xx

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1.What is your book called?

I have loads actually. But these are a few that are in progress (some aren't though)


•Snatched [Part 2]


•My Secret Valentine

2.What is your book about?

Snatched is about a story of a eighteen year old girl name Michelle Andrews who was kidnapped six years ago. Now Snatched [Part 2] is still ongoing with her being kidnapped and I already know how that will end. Lastly, My Secret Valentine is about a young girl who discovers a note in her locker and now she's determined to find her admirer before the schools' Sweethearts Dance. And Notes is about a young women who has committed suicide.

3.What genre is your book?

Snatched and Snatched [Part 2] are both mystery/thriller and horror meanwhile My Secret Valentine was originally a short story but then I decided to write more chapters so now it is Humor and Non-fiction (as I was writing MSV similar things have happened to me so now it's based off of me and a little is fabricated). Notes is paranormal.

4.Is your book a series?

Notes is a sequel and I am working in the prequel. Snatched is obviously, but I am thinking about making My Secret Valentine a series.

5.Is your book complete?

Yes, Snatched and Notes are completed.

6.What gave you the idea for your book?

For Notes, nothing really gave me an idea. Um...well this one story called 'The Suicide Letters' here on wattpad gave me an idea and I compared my love for music with a few depressions that I was going through (sometimes I still go through it). Well for Snatched (which was originally called Abducted) I was writing since last year and I was going to give up in it since at first I wasn't that much of a writer but yeah as I was improving I just fell in love with that since it's my first story, and that's where the sequel came into play. However for My Secret Valentine, it was originally a short story and than I just got into the rhythm of writing it that I continued it, but I found myself playing the main character and this boy I am talking to as well so that's why I am continuing it even more.

7.What do you do if you have writers block?

Wow! When I have writers block I usually listen to music and/or watch TV to get influenced again or write another story.

8.Do you have any goals for your book?

I would love for them (one of them) to be entered into the Watty's, for people to notice them and read and enjoy my imaginations, my creative but a girl can dream. Hopefully when I get older and become a writer, I can published these stories from as a child and watch them become movies.

9.Do you have a favourite character? If so who and why?

Hmm... Well for Snatched and the sequel, my favorite character is my main character Michelle Andrews. Sometimes I like her and other times I think she's a total (profanity lol) well you get the rest. Since half of her personalities is me, that's why I like her lol. However with Notes, the main character I like more is Nicole, but really I like Jayden since he's strong even through the dark hours but he's very honest. For My Secret Valentine, I would have to go with Zantander... Even though the main character is Faye Evans I just really like her best friend since he's funny but tough at the same time. A good recipe.

10.Are you happy with your book?

I am totally satisfied with my stories, and I have more that are yet to be published.

11.What has been the best compliment you have received about your book?

Hmm...there are little and I am glad to have but the main ones were I love you book; although I would love to have more constructive feedback, I am grateful to have some.

12.Why should people read your book?

Why people should read my stories... It's really up to the readers for why they would choose my stories, but I think people should read my stories to get a gist of my creativity. To understand where I come from whenever I write my stories.

13.Any last words?

Keep Calm and Enjoy Wattpad! (Enjoy my stories).

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