Interview With @Tyki_Mikk - Morning Coffee

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1. What is your book called?

A: Morning Coffee

2. What is your book about?

A: A woman named Naomi who's friend's and family are not what they seems. Meets a man who's larger then life named Sebastian. These two go on a crazy ride, where they're shot at, they're forced to kill, and they're riding tanks.

3. What genre is your book?

A: Romance, Thriller/Mystery

4. Is your book a series?

A: Yes it's going to be a 3 book series, and the second on is being written now.

5. Is your book complete?

A: Yes

6. What gave you the idea for your book?

A: I didn't really have an idea, it started out a simple billionaire story and turned into something completely different.

7. What do you do if you have writers block?

A: I sit and listen to music for a few hours and completely forget about the story. Usually I come up with ideas quickly and hop right back on to typing it.

8. Do you have any goals for your book?

A: To have it completely edited and add about 5 more chapters.

9. Do you have a favourite character? If so who and why?

A: Sebastian, he's a family man, caring, loving, and kind. However, he is also still the cold man who doesn't let anyone push him around.

10. Are you happy with your book?

A: Yes i am happy, but i would like to add 5 more chapters at the end to make it seem less rushed. I feel as that last chapter that explained what happened to everyone should be broken up more and explained.

11. What has been the best compliment you have received about your book?

A: I can't really pick out the best compliment, but there is one section in the book that everyone loves to comment on. Sebastian height is a big topic, and one of my readers said, "The man is six foot eight lord save me.... they gonna have volleyball playing daughters and basketball playing sons."

12. Why should people read your book?

A: It is a very different book, at the same time it's very much still a loving family book while being pack with action and war.

13. Any last words?

A: I don't have many last words, but I would like to tell you the titles of the three books. It starts with Morning Coffee, then Afternoon Tea, and finally Midnight Shots. All three books are connect and you can't read a book later in the series without reading the first one. It's an adventure that is worth the time to read.

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