3- Van

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I get back home only to find out that I'm the only one who's not spoken to Isabella in three years. My mum and dad have met up with her heaps of times which didn't actually surprise me considering they've always loved her but I wish they told me before. Now I'm feeling more guilty than ever, not only did I leave her in the absolute worst way possible and promise her we'd see how things are after a year, I didn't even get in touch once. Not after a year, not after two, now it's been three and the first time I seen her she hurried away from me.

"I've just texted you her number Van, you clearly need to speak to her and get whatever's going on inside that head of yours off your chest." Somehow even though I haven't seen my mum in months, she could still read me like a book. "I mean it Van, I'm not having you spending these few months moping around over the girl you walked out on three years ago. You've got an opportunity to apologise now and I think Bella would like to speak to you just as much. Go on"

I rolled my eyes and got up to phone her, mum gave me a smug look when I left the living room to do so as if she was telling me that she always knows best and she's right, she always does seem to know best. What can I even say to her at this point though, I've spent the last three years regretting everything but how could she believe that when I've made no attempt to contact her. It's probably best we do this in person though, maybe she'll realise I'm serious about being sorry so I type her number into my phone, getting more nervous after each ring.

"Hello?" Sounding a little confused yet so polite she answered.

"It's me... erm Van. Can we talk? In person" trying to pretend I wasn't nervous talking to a girl over the phone but I was doing a shit job of it.

"About what?" She spoke in a way that made me feel like she felt something. Instead of happiness like I wished for it was frustration but that's understandable.

"Please? You can come round here and my mum made brownies yesterday, I know they're your favourite. They were a few years ago anyway" I tried to show that I still remembered little things like her favourite food and her favourite songs but I realised I just sounded pathetic.

"Fine, I'll see you in ten"

The phone call ended abruptly but I didn't mind, I couldn't help but smile like a little kid when she agreed to come round, even though she wasn't as keen as I hoped it was something. My mum noticed the grin on my face when I sat back down in the living room and when I told her she looked proud. Although my emotions soon changed and now I was nervous, my dad comes through and sits next to my mum, raising an eyebrow at me as I sat tapping my foot on the ground annoyingly.

"Isabellas coming round for a cuppa with Van" mum says, answering my dads concerned look.

"That's nice, we've not seen her in a few weeks it will be nice to have a catch up" He says, completely missing the reason why she was coming in the first place.

"No we'll leave them to it today, Vans not seen her in three years since he dumped her so  we need to give them some space" Says my mum, straight to the point as always. Brutally honest which send another wave of guilt over me.

Next thing I know the door bell rings and I know exactly who's standing on the other side. Mum and dad both give me a smile and my mum raises her brows as if she's telling me to be careful, I shut the living room door behind me because if I don't they'll just be tempted to pop their head round into the kitchen and I didn't want that. When I open the door the beautiful girl who I walked out on three years ago is standing in front of me wearing a smile that masked all the pain behind it.

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