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Video-brad talks carrie

Carrie phone rang it was her mom.

Carrie: mom whats wrong

Mom: Carrie!! He's okay!!! It was a heart attack. The doctors said he's fine now but he has to stay here at the hospital fir a couple if days. There moving him to a room where we can see him.

Carrie: omg thank you lord!!! Mom we are driving to the airport right now.. Brad is coming too. We'll be there in a couple of hours. Text me if anything happens.

Mom: Brad is coming!!! Perfect we haven't seen him in a couple of months. Plus your sisters really want to see him to. Your dad will be so excited that you two will be coming.

Carrie: mom don't tell anyone we are coming, we want it to be a surprise. I love you guys so much (tears).

Mom: i love you so much. Ok call me when you guys arrive here. Bye!

Carrie hung up and told Brad about her dad being ok now.

Brad: you see told he would be okay.

Carrie: yes Mr. Paisley your always right huh lol

She took off her seatbelt and rested her head on his lap, then stretched her legs toward da passenger door. He began to play with her hair which like always made her sleepy.

Carrie: i sure love it when you do that.

Brad: oh i know it also makes it feel more quiet

Carrie: hey!!!

She pinched his knee.

Brad: aaaa that hurt.. Im just playing with u Care.

Carrie: i know.

Not even 5 min later she was asleep. Brad turned on the radio and Perfect storm was playing...

***AUTHOR's NOTE: I'm writing this while traveling to Santa Monica. I turned on the radio and luckily Perfect Storm was playing but it was almost over. And guess what song comes on next... Something In The water.... Is it me but honestly whenever a brad paisley song is on the next song is a carrie underwood's.. That has happen to me so many times and I love it when it does... Comment after the chapter if that has happened to you plz!!

They arrived at the airport about 20 minutes later. Brad parked as close as he can to the Airport doors.

Brad: Care we're here.

Carrie: already(yawning)

She got up and fixes her hair. Brad grabbed the suitcase and a small duffel bag that he was going to taking on the plane with him. The bag had their iPads, phone chargers, and just some small personal items. Carrie grabbed her purse and they walked toward the doors. They wanted to hold hands so bad but they didn't want people to know they were together, at least not yet. Everybody noticed and asked for pics and autographs. They accepted taking pics and autographs but also told them no more after a couple because they were on a hurry to get their tickets. Immediately the fans posted pics of them together at the airport. Rumors started right away like; they were going on vacation together or getting away from the drama.
They walked to the Ticket Center.

Brad: can i get 2 tickets to Tulsa Inter.

Lady: the next flight leaves in 3 hours

Brad: perfect we'll take 2

Lady: ok the total will be 756.23

Carrie grabbed her credit card but Brad stopped her and gave his to the lady.

Carrie: Brad I got it... Im the reason why we're coming over here

Brad: Care its the least I can do.

Carrie agreed but felt guilty that Brad payed the flights. Carrie was thinking of getting Brad a special gift but she still was gonna plan it with her family. They walked towards the waiting area before you aboard the airplane. Since they had time they decided to take pics with fans and answer their questions. After an hour of so They went back to their chairs to wait. They pulled out there tablets to look on Twitter to see what people were writing about them. Some headlines read; Carrie divorced Mike for Brad, Kim death and Mikes divorce makes perfect timing for Brad and Carrie to get together, that one hurt Brad. Carrie once again laid her head on Brad's lap and fell asleep.

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