chapter twenty- nine

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I sat in the room full of all the girls I saved from the whore house yesterday. I gave them all new clothes so they're not walking around in their underwear in a house full of men. Even though my men know that if they touch a women the wrong way I would chop them up and mail it to their families, I still want them to be comfortable. 

After killing Rafael, I made my men put bombs in every room of the house. I locked everyone in the house after every single girl, and my men were out of the house. Even after driving ten miles away from the house I could still hear and see the bombs as they went off. By now everyone in the mafia world has heard he has stolen from me, and that ended with his death, along with his men in the house. 

Before anyone knew it was me, or mafia related, Antonio called me asking if it was me. I wasn't going to lie to him so I told him the truth. He chewed my ass out for putting so many people lives in danger and for not thinking before I act out. Who am I? A little girl? Bitch I'm far from it. But I told him I was sorry and left it at that. 

"What are you going to do with all the girls?" Jack asked, coming out of no where. 

I looked at him and saw all the new forming bruises on his face. Don't think I let him get away with going behind my back and doing what he did. Even though he was my favorite out of all my men, I didn't go light on him. He understood what he did and he needed to be punished, so he didn't take it to heart. He fucked up, took the punishment, and now it's done and over with.

"I have a few options for them." I said. 

I looked back over and instantly all the girls sat straight. 

"Every single man in this room leave now." 

Just like that all my men walked out closing the door behind them. I can tell all the girls got more comfortable after the men left the room. 

"Hello, ladies. I can see that you're scared of me, but there's no need, I'm here to help you." 

I know telling someone not to be scared of you won't work, but it's still worth a try. 

"I know what all of you have been through, but I don't know for how long. If you've been here for a long time, then you probably heard some secrets you shouldn't have. I don't know how Rafael handled things over there, so if you know what we are then you have every right to be scared." I paused and looked around the room. 

My eyes fell on the girl from yesterday. She showed nothing but fear, but the girl beside her was trying to help her calm down. 

"That's why I'm giving you options. If you stay I will give you a place in my mafia, I'll train you so you know how to fight like me. And if you need one, I'll get you a therapist. If you join me you don't have to work for money like everyone else in the world does. You'll be getting a lot more money in a month than what a doctor get's in a year. If you want to stay but don't want to join my mafia, I'll give you jobs around the house to do. You'll still be getting money, and a therapist if you want it. If you don't want to stay, then you can leave. You pick where you want to go, I'll pay for it, and send you off with fifty thousand dollars. If you leave and don't get a therapist, then I'll have one check up on you every month. I'll give you guys a few days to think about your answers. Have a good day." 


"Carter has asked to see you, Miss Vice." Enzo, said coming into my office. 

I looked up from my paper work. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"I don't know. He's been screaming your name for the past five hours, annoying the fuck out of me." Enzo eyes got wide realizing what he said. "Sorry Miss Vice." 

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