Chapter 29

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Lucas and I went into his room and he had gone and got me some sweatpants and a hoodie to wear for bed as my work clothes (basically nothing but lingerie and harnesses) were not comfy at all.

Lucas put some sweatpants on too and took his shirt off ready for bed. He went to lie down on the bed and grabbed me to join too.

"Why did you need to leave and why were you working there y/n?" Lucas asked, concerned at what had happened to me while I was gone.

"I needed to leave because April was bullying me in school and I couldn't stand being around her in the place I called home. She called me names, beat me up, slammed locker doors onto my arm. I didn't want that anymore. Also, some people didn't want me there and it was obvious." I paused then answered the next question. "I took the job when Chang-Kyun offered it to me. I was desperate for a job because I wanted to have my own home and be independent but that never happened as I lived in an apartment with Cherry and Jessi, the two girls who were with us tonight." I finished.

Lucas was clearly upset when I saw the look on his face. "Why didn't you tell me about April before? I could have helped you and stopped her."

"She would have done worse things to me if she knew that I told you so I kept it quiet." I mumbled then added. "How did you know it was me? I don't even look like myself anymore."

"Urm- to be honest I could tell it was you by the kiss. We have had our lips on each other so many times that it just felt familiar when we kissed and then I looked in your eyes and knew that it was you 100%." Lucas blushed.

WAIT- Lucas blushed! I have never seen him blush before. This is new.

However, I was also blushing from his comment. "Really, that's how you could tell?" I asked to which Lucas nodded.

We both spoke for a while longer. Lucas was telling me how much Ateez had missed me. He said that they haven't been the same since I left and that it has affected all of them a lot. Even Lucas admitted that it had affected his life too. He told me how much he missed me and hoped that I would never leave again.

We both eventually fell asleep with no worries anymore.


I could hear people talking to each other. They were obviously in Lucas' room as I could hear every word clearly. I kept my eyes closed and listened to see if I could tell who was speaking.

"Why did he want you all to leave with 3 random girls? Was he planning on bringing them all back here or something?" I'm sure that was Mark speaking.

"No, I think there is something more to it. He was going to just take this girl with him but she told him something and he then got the other two girls from the strip club to leave as well."

That was Taeyong speaking this time. I'm sure of it! He then added "Look at them both. They haven't even fucked either. No sex hair. No love bites and they are clothed. It's so strange. Why would he not sleep with a girl from a strip club? That is basically their job."

The two just stared while I pretended to still be asleep but they soon left obviously needing to go and do something else.

Lucas turned over to look towards me and gave me a cute smile. "They are so nosy!" Lucas murmured making me laugh. Oh my! His morning voice is so sexy!

"They just want you to have a good sex life lucas!" I mumbled. Lucas pulled me into a hug, refusing to loosen his grip.

"I missed you so much y/n! I don't know what I would have done if we didn't ever find you." I let Lucas carry on hugging me because I missed him so much as well. Yes, he has a huge ego but I missed when he would try help me out with my issues and he was always there for me no matter what.

"I missed you too Lucas. I missed you so much." I replied.

"We need to go and see Ateez at some point y/n. They are still out looking for you even though it has been 8 months. They won't give up until they find you." Lucas informed me.

They looked for me? They are still looking for me?

I'm surprised they haven't lost hope because of how long it has been. I can't believe they have been looking for me for 8 months. I didn't think that they would want me there still.

"They all miss you. San barely leaves the house though. Wooyoung told me that he doesn't even talk to the members much anymore. Only if they need to on missions. They have all changed since you left but it definitely wasn't for the better."

A few months ago, I probably would have been frightened to go back but I have toughened up now and I am no longer the y/n that worries or cries over stupid things. I have been through way too much in the past 8 months to feel any emotions now.

We decided to get ready so we could go and see the rest of the NCT boys and Ateez. Lucas let me borrow a top and some sweatpants as my clothing from work isn't really appropriate. He also found a new toothbrush for me to use last night so I use that to brush my teeth.

We then walked downstairs so we could tell everyone that I am back. All of the members were spaced out around the living room: either sat on the sofas or the floor.

They all seemed to stop talking when they heard us come in. Everyone looked confused at why Lucas' 'one night stand' was here still.

"Bro, why didn't you hook up with your one night stand? I would have had her if I knew earlier on." Johnny asked. I'm guessing that was what the discussion was about before we entered.

"You wish Johnny!" I smirked making his jaw drop in shock. "What? Have you never been turned down before?" I asked while edging closer to him. I was soon directly in front of him.

"No, I haven't actually! Well until now." Johnny snarled, clearly not happy about the rejection which made me burst into laughter. I really must look totally different because he still didn't realise it was me.

Taeyong walked towards me and turned me towards him when he reached me. He eyed me closely and then spoke in a hushed tone. "You have changed a lot! Do you still want that match on the PlayStation? You may beat Yeosang and Wooyoung but you definitely won't beat me."

He knew it was me.

I remembered back to the pool party when he said he would whoop my ass at any game we played. Yeah right! I have had too much practice for me to lose.

"Game on!" I exclaimed and added "but I need to tell these clueless clowns about me first."
I feel like I haven't updated in forever but in reality it has only been 4 days! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will update the next one as soon as it is done.

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