Chapter 35

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Both San and I had a shower together after being in the hot tub. Let's just say now that a lot more went down in the hot tub than us just kissing. We might have also gone for round 2 in the shower.

I have never had sex in a hot tub before but it felt amazing. It was as if the bubbles had added even more pleasure and it probably felt better because I knew that no one would be bursting into the room anytime soon.

Yes, a member has walked in on us before and thankfully it wasn't Mingi. He would have killed us on the spot. However, it was still awkward when the person walked in. The idiot even had the cheek to ask if he could join us.

I screamed a 'no, fuck off' which my tone made him run faster than a cheetah. He should have been scared and I don't regret it. If I didn't say anything, he would still be asking to join us now.

It was Wooyoung obviously. He is such a hormonal mess and he needs to get laid ASAP. Or even get a girlfriend! That would be better as he would no longer pester me. I know that Wooyoung is just kidding though but I'm 99% sure that if San and I would have said yes to letting him join, he would be out of his clothes and on the bed in a less than a second.

Anyway, San and I were now about to watch a tv series that both of us hadn't watched yet. I really struggled getting down the stairs after our activities so my boyfriend was kind enough to carry me down. San fucked me good. It was definitely the best sex I have had.

We struggled to decide between two shows: 'money heist' and 'it's okay to not be okay' on Netflix. We finally made up our mind on watching 'it's okay to not be okay' first then we would watch 'money heist' after completing the other series.

We both sat comfortably cuddled up on the sofa. San had his arm wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me in as much as he could. As he pulled me in, I try to squeeze closer to him even if it wasn't possible to get any closer. I don't know why but I just felt the need to be close to San all the time; never wanting to let go.

3 episodes later

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3 episodes later...

This show is amazing. I am already hooked and we are only 3 episodes in. It was now about 8:00pm and the both of us were starving. I decided to make us a pasta salad. I left the pasta to cook and got the salad out to prepare it.

I found cucumber, pepper, tomato, spring onion, sweetcorn and carrot. I chopped them all up into small pieces so they would mix in well with the pasta. Once the pasta was cooked, San came and drained the hot water from the pan and added cold water to cool it down.

Once the pasta was cool, we added it to the bowl of salad. San passed me the mayonnaise and then wrapped his arms around my waist, giving me a back hug. I added 2 tablespoons of the mayo so it coated the pasta and salad enough to give it some flavour. We also added a bit of salt for extra taste and mixed it in with the salad.

San let go of me to get some bowls to eat the meal from and also a serving utensil. I placed the pasta salad in the bowls and we sat down, eager to eat it.

I took my time trying to eat it as I didn't want to get a bad stomach from eating too fast but it was too yummy so I might have ate it a bit too fast anyway. 

Once we were both finished, we sat and watched another 3 episodes of the show. Half way through the 6th episode, my eyes started to close slowly. I tried to keep them open but I was struggling as sleep wanted to take over me. I tapped San on the shoulder and mumbled "I'm tired." I'm pretty sure my words were a bit mumbled up though.

"Let's get you to bed beautiful." San pecked my forehead then picked me up. As soon as I was in San's arms, I dozed off.

 As soon as I was in San's arms, I dozed off

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I awoke to an empty bed. San usually stays with me until I wake up but he didn't today. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and a sticky note dropped off it and onto the floor. I picked it up and read the note.

Sorry I couldn't stay with you for longer but Hongjoong has given me a task to do for their mission. I should be back around lunch time so please make me something yummy!
Love you lots beautiful,
San xxx

I smiled and read over the cute note a few times before deciding to get showered and dressed.

Once I was ready I went and prepared lunch for the two of us as it was already 11:30. I decided to make homemade pizza. I prepared the veg and meat to put on the pizza but didn't put the pizza in the oven yet as I didn't want it to be done way before San got home. 

I decided to watch whatever was on the tv while I waited for San. I left the news on but it was all old and boring news so I decided to play on my phone for a bit. I went onto the '8 ball pool' app and played against people from all around the world.

I won all of the games that I played making my day even better.

I then decided to head to the games room to shoot some hoops. This was one of my favourite things to play with in this room. I kept shooting hoops, occasionally missing the shot. I was surprised when I felt arms wrap around me.

"Sannie." I exclaimed, bringing him in for a hug. I observed San's face and noticed a cut on his cheek as if a knife had sliced through his skin. I grabbed his hand and said "let's clean that cut before eating. You don't want it getting infected."

San followed me to the bathroom where the first aid box was. San sat on the side of the bath tub, letting me clean the cut with an antiseptic wipe. San didn't flinch when I wiped it so he was either being really brave or it didn't actually hurt. My guess is the first thought. After wiping the blood away, I put some cream on to help heal the cut and to stop it getting infected.

"Thank you y/n."
I hope you are still enjoying my book!

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