Chapter 31

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"I'm not disappointed in you. You obviously felt like you needed to leave and your option must have been one of the only options you could think of. Yes, it probably wasn't the best thing to do but I understand that you need space sometimes." San told me truthfully. I love the fact that he will always say things to me truthfully whether I want to hear it or not. That is one of the best kind of people you could have in your life.

"Why did you leave though y/n? We all missed you so much."

I sighed "Mingi's girlfriend was a girl that was bullying me at school. She slammed my locker door on my arm, hit, punched and kicked me. Everyone saw that Seonghwa was dropping me off and picking me up so she also told me that I am too ugly for someone like him. That I would never be good enough. Then I also felt like I needed to leave because my negativity was getting the best of me and I didn't want to be hurting everyone with my negative thoughts anymore."

I then added "Is Mingi still with her?"

I really hope that he isn't because it was hard enough going to school with her, let alone having her in the same house as me.

"Yes, they are still together but she doesn't live here." San answered then carried on talking about what I had said.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about her? We could have helped you out with her. We could have helped stop the bullying." San murmured but made it clear enough for me to hear him. "It makes sense why Seonghwa seems to hate her so much now though. We all just thought that he was just being off with her. We didn't know that was why. Also, we would never want you to leave for having negative thoughts. We all struggle with things like that at some point in our lives. If anything like that happens again, I will help you. I was so shocked when you told me the day before you left. I didn't know what to say at the time which is why I avoided you. I didn't ever want my beautiful princess to leave."

"You couldn't have helped me. You didn't go to school with me and that is where she bullied me. She would have made the bullying worse if I told anyone. I'm ok now anyway. I will just avoid her." I told San. I then took in the rest of what he said. "I'm sorry that I didn't realise. I just assumed that I was getting on your nerves with my constant negativity." I was blushing at the fact he called me 'his beautiful princess'.

San was about to speak but there was a knock on the door. We both looked over at the closed door and San shouted "come in."

When the door opened, Mingi walked in. He ran up to me, jumping on top of me and pulling me into a hug.

"I wanted to talk to you but you rushed straight up here. It might have been a good job that you did rush though." Mingi mumbled, looking around at the broken objects around the room.

San decided to go and get a drink so Mingi and I could catch up on what we had both missed. He asked why I had left and I told him the story of how I felt like I needed to get away for some time and explained everything that had happened while working at the strip club. He was a bit disappointed but still comforted me when I told him the horrible things that happened there. I also told him how I wasn't alone and that I had Wonho help me out. I missed out the part where his girlfriend was one of the main reasons I ran away. It wasn't like I was lying because I did need some space. I just didn't tell the whole truth.

I also let Mingi know that I am healthy now and I am better with my eating. I do not skip any meals. If anything, I eat too much now which is why I have put on some weight but I feel like I am a healthy weight at the minute. Mingi was really proud of me and was over the moon at the fact that I eat more now.

"I am so happy for you. I know it probably sucked having a job like that but I am happy that Wonho helped you with everything and that you got better. I don't know what I would do if you never came back." Mingi squeezed me tightly into a hug.

Mingi and I eventually decided to go downstairs to the others. He carried me down as my foot was still a bit sore and I was limping. I tried to walk down but Mingi insisted that he would carry me down.

We went into the games room where all of the boys were. Mingi sat me on the sofa next to Yeosang and Wooyoung who were playing video games. No surprise there. However, they stopped playing when they noticed me: pausing the game.

Yeosang bought me into a hug. "I missed my game buddy. While you were gone, I didn't have any decent competition to play against."

Wooyoung hit Yeosang's shoulder and whined. "Hey, I am great competition. You wouldn't be playing me now if I wasn't."

"The only reason I played you was because I had no one else to play with. If y/n was here I would have never played with you." Yeosang smirked. Wooyoung pouted at Yeosang's comment.

"I would have played games with you Wooyoung." I stated then added "only because I win every time against you." I laughed.

"Why are you two so mean to me?" Wooyoung complained. He knew we were joking but it was fun to tease him.

I jumped over Yeosang so I was in between the two and hugged Wooyoung. "You know I'm joking right." I pouted, looking up to him. "However, I am still not over you saying that you wanted to share me in bed." I frowned.

"Y/N, I didn't realise that it was you. You know I wouldn't say that to you. I respect you way too much for that." Wooyoung told me in a serious tone. He really thought I was offended. I wasn't surprised though because I basically was a hooker when I saw them at the club so I understand why he thought he could say that. Hmm, I wonder if he respected me when he and the others made me buy that red lingerie. Just kidding! That was so long ago so I don't care. I still haven't worn it yet though.

"Wooyoung, I know you didn't mean it when you realised it was me. Don't worry! I forgive you. I did look like a slut though so I totally understand." I wish I never took that job now. I feel so dirty. I was a slut. I slept with many guys. I know I slept with guys often in school and I regret that now but this is much worse because I got paid for it. Some of the guys I had to sleep with were over 50 as well which made me feel even worse.

Lucas messaged me earlier on saying that he had left and that he would come by again soon. I had just looked at the message now. I am back to using my old phone. Luckily, I left it here and didn't take it with me otherwise I would have to buy a new phone now so nobody from the club could track me.

I thought for a minute. Where are Cherry and Jessie? They came backs here last night and I haven't seen them.

"Where are Cherry and Jessie?" I asked worried.

"They went back to their apartment this morning because they needed clothes and to clean themselves up. They also didn't want to get in trouble for leaving." Wooyoung told me.

Wow! I try and help them out and they just go back to the hell hole. That's the last time I am helping them.

I stood up and limped over to Yunho and Seonghwa who were playing air hockey. The two were so into the game that they didn't see me watching them play.

They finally realised I was watching their game when the air went off with the game ending. Seonghwa had a vulnerable look in his eyes when he saw me. He came straight up to me, pulling me into the biggest hug with his head shoved into my shoulder.

"I missed you so much." He sniffled then broke into a sob. I instantly felt bad for leaving all of a sudden.

I was so selfish.

I only thought about myself when leaving and I didn't even think about how everyone else would really feel.

I thought that they would be happy having less drama in their lives.

For the first time in a while, I broke down too. I didn't mean to hurt any of them if I did. I squeezed into Seonghwa tighter mumbling "I'm so sorry" to him again and again.

"Please don't leave us again y/n." Jongho mumbled while hugging the two of us. Yunho also joined in hugging the other side of Seonghwa and I. 

"We all missed you so much y/n." Yunho said while squeezing us.
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