Chapter 23

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It was now Saturday: the day of the pool party. The boys had also told me that they were going to do a barbecue which I was really excited for. I have never had a barbecue before so I'm excited as the food apparently tastes better cooked like that.

I have been eating all of my meals so far. Obviously they were not full meals but I had more on my plate than before. Some of them, I couldn't finish but I tried my best. Also, I have been to school the past two days and nothing really changed. Anna still refused to speak to me and April was saying nasty things to me but she hasn't physically hurt me again. Hopefully she never will again.

It was 12:15pm and the other gangs were coming over at 1:00pm so I decided to get ready.

I got my bikini out and put it on. I had a small mark from my bruise still but if anyone asks, I will tell them I bumped into something the other day. It isn't really that noticeable now.

I then put San's top on that he had given to me, over my bikini. It was big on me but I preferred that anyway. It covered me up more.

I was now ready so I walked to my door to go downstairs. As I opened the door, San was standing outside and was just about to knock. I pulled him into a hug and which San returned by squeezing me really tight. "You're beautiful." San mumbled into my neck, giving a few kisses. Eventually, we both let go and went downstairs to everyone else.

NCT and EXO must already be here because I could hear the noise at the pool and some unfamiliar voices from inside. We got to the door and I observed everyone. I saw Lucas playing volleyball with Mark and some others that I didn't know. Hendery was sat on a sun bed talking to some others while drinking. I looked over to the barbecue and observed the guys over there.

Wait a minute, I know them! Holy shit, it's BTS!

They are a gang? How? They must be really busy so how do they even have time. San must have noticed that I was struggling to function because he was laughing at my reaction.

"You alright y/n?" I nodded and asked San how BTS are in a gang.

"They became gang members after they became idols. Would you ever suspect them as gang members? It is easier for them to do missions as it is less obvious when they do missions because no one would ever suspect a boy group as gang members so they can hide better and still live a good life." San spoke.

I really can't believe this. They are in our house!

I really need to calm down a bit because I will look stupid if I don't.

"Shall we go and introduce you to everyone?" San asked. I nodded and he held my hand going out to everyone.

I met all of the EXO members. They seemed chill compared to Ateez. I remembered Kai from the day we went shopping and I saw him with Lucas and some others. Their looks were no joke. They were all attractive as hell. Then again, everyone here was attractive to be honest.

I then met all of the NCT members that I didn't already know. They all seemed cool but I could sense that they were just as crazy as Ateez which I am totally ok with.

Lucas ran up to me shouting "BESTIE" which made everyone turn to look. He then grabbed me, hugging me really tight. Some of NCT were shocked that we knew each other but others knew and just carried on with what they were doing.

"Dude, you are soaking wet! Get off me!" I laughed.

"Damn y/n, how did you know?" Lucas asked smugly while looking down at his shorts. I hit his shoulder for being dirty minded.

"I need to talk to you about something." I mumbled, grabbing Lucas and taking him inside. I looked over and mumbled "I can't do the friends with benefits thing with you anymore." I looked down not wanting to see Lucas mad or upset about it.

Lucas bought my chin up to make me look at him. I was surprised when I saw him smiling at me. "Y/n, you know I'm not mad at you right? I know you are with San. Mingi and Hongjoong told me you went on a date with him the other night. I'm happy for you and we promised no strings attached. You will always be one of my best friends no matter what." After Lucas finished what he was saying, I bought him into a hug. I'm glad he understands and doesn't hate me.

Wait, when did he see Mingi and Hongjoong? I asked and Lucas confessed that he told them about me not eating as he was worried.

"Look y/n, I had to tell Mingi. I didn't want him to go though what I had to go through. It broke me and it would have broke him too if something happened to you." He was broken? Why?

"What broke you Lucas? I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want too. I will understand if you don't want to tell me." I asked.

"No! I will tell you..." Lucas let out a breath before carrying on. "I had a sister. Her name was Jinny. She was a lot like you. She had some issues at school with other people in her class bullying her. They called her names and it got to her. We were at different schools so I didn't know what was happening. They told her she was fat, that she needed to lose weight, that no one would ever love her looking like that. The thing is, she was beautiful, she didn't need to lose any weight as she was already small but everyone else's opinions got to her. She stopped eating meals and ended up in hospital." Lucas had tears in his eyes as he explained.

"You don't have to carry on Lucas." I mumbled.

"She didn't survive. It was too late. By the time she got there and no one could save her. Jinny never told me what was happening to her. I had to hear from someone in her school about why Jinny did this to herself. I should have known! She wasn't eating at home and always used the excuse that she had ate too much at school so she wasn't hungry. My family and I were so stupid that we believed her. I hate the fact that I didn't realise she was suffering. I didn't want the same to happen to you so I had to tell Mingi because one day he might have ended up in my situation and I would never wish that on anyone. Not even someone I hate."

I was now in tears too. I didn't understand why he would snitch on me at first but he just didn't want me or my family to hurt at the end of it. I wrapped my arms around Lucas who did the same really tightly. "I didn't want to lose one of my closest friends. It messed me up losing my sister. I became a bad person. I started failing classes, not attending them, sneaking out late at night." Lucas sobbed.

He then carried on. "I then met Taeyong. I joined the gang and he helped me through all of this along with the other members. I'm not going to go into too much detail or anything but I was so glad he helped me. My parents thought I was a lost cause so I stayed away as much as possible. I still go back home now and they know I have changed for the better. They just don't know what happened for me to be back to myself again."

I was shocked. Nobody from school would have ever guessed that Lucas went through all of that because the way he is now seems like he had the perfect life. I guess you should never judge a book by its cover.

We decided to go back outside after we cleared our puffy faces because I'm sure our friends were starting to wonder where we are.

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