Chapter 33

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"Are you ok? You seem a bit off and not yourself." I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I know that when someone says that they are fine, it means they are lying.

I sighed. "Seonghwa, you can tell me anything you know. I won't tell the others."

Seonghwa looked up and mumbled "I can't tell you because it is to do with you." I placed the plates on the side. I heard the first part of what he said but I didn't hear the rest as he got really quiet.

"I didn't hear that last bit. Say it again." I asked.

"I can't tell you y/n. It will be awkward or you might hate me and I don't want that to ever happen." Seonghwa frowned as he washed the plates. Why would it be awkward?

"I will not ever hate you Seonghwa. No matter what!" I promised. I don't think anything Seonghwa would do will make me hate him.

"I like you! Like, really like you. I always have since you came here and I know you are with San and I am not going to try and stop you being together because I would rather see you happy. I know you are happy with San. I just feel sad when I see you with him but I will get over it eventually." Seonghwa blurted out in one breath.

What? Seonghwa likes me?

"Why didn't you tell me before? I assumed you didn't like me because of the time when you rejected sleeping with me. I know it was a shitty move to try and sleep with you at the time and I am sorry again for that." I sighed.

"I didn't tell you because you were interested in San and I could tell that he loved you and still does. I didn't want to ruin that. I refused to sleep with you because you were high. If you weren't, I probably would have but I didn't want to take advantage of you. You don't need to apologise y/n. I know you weren't in your right state."

I feel so bad. Seonghwa liked me the whole time but never told me because he thought my happiness was more important than his which was not true at all. At the time when I first came here, I had a crush on Seonghwa but then San and I became close which made me lose that crush and I fell for San.

"Look y/n. Don't worry about it! I will find someone else one day and you can be happy with San. Just promise that you won't be awkward towards me and I won't with you either." Seonghwa pleaded.

I nodded saying "I promise" and I gave him a huge hug.

We both finished doing the dishes and went back to the games room. I bought some shot glasses for everyone along with 2 bottles of sambuca and then Seonghwa carried 6 bottles of soju, all of them being different flavours for our drinking games.

As we entered with the drinks, everyone cheered and Wooyoung shouted "WOOOO, ITS TIME FOR DRINKING GAMES."

We started off with 'never have I ever' so we would drink if we have done the thing that is being said by another. We used our glasses that we already had and filled them with the soju. I had the grapefruit flavour which was my favourite even though I don't really like actual grapefruit. Everyone else grabbed their choice of soju and poured it into their glasses.

We all sat around in a circle on the floor and started the game. I am sat next to San and Yunho. The first person to ask the question was Jongho.

"Ok! Never have I ever stole food from someone else's room." He started off easy. All the boys keep their snacks, chocolates and sweets in their own rooms so others don't steal it. They also buy food for everyone but keep their favourites hidden away.

Everyone drank and then looked at each other surprised. "We all steal from each other?" Hongjoong asked. Everybody nodded sheepishly but laughed it off.

The next person was San.

"Never have I ever got blackout drunk!" He asked which most of us drank. The only people that didn't were Jongho and Seonghwa. I kind of already knew that because they never went over the top with drinking so I just assumed they hadn't got that drunk before.

It way now my turn.

"Never have I ever slept naked. I mean literally naked, like with no underwear." Everyone drank to that one including me.

It was Yunho's turn next.

"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping!" He asked. I bought my glass to my lips to take a sip. San, Hongjoong and Wooyoung did the same while the rest looked around to see who was drinking.

"You best have been on your own when skinny dipping y/n." My overprotective brother called out. I gave him a smug look making him aware that I wasn't alone. "Really y/n? With guys?" He asked.

"It was only Lucas." I blurted then my mouth dropped. Sometimes I speak before I think and that is exactly what just happened. It is as if my mouth just opens before I wonder whether it is the right thing to say. Now Mingi is going to kill him. "Urm... forget that I said that!" Why is it always me that these things happen to. I have done much worse anyway so he shouldn't be too bothered.

"Lets get on with the next question." I exclaimed while avoiding Mingi's gaze.

This game went on for another 20 minutes and then we decided to change the game. We decided on 'most likely to'. It is pretty self explanatory. We have a question of who is most likely to do something and the person who gets the most votes drinks. We decided to use the sambuca this time. I was nearly at the tipsy stage of being drunk but I wasn't quite there yet. Yeosang and Seonghwa definitely were tipsy though. Nobody was drunk yet.

"Ok, I will start." Yeosang shouted excitedly.

"Who is most likely to get famous?"

We all thought and Yeosang counted down from 3 to 1. We all pointed to Wooyoung. We all agreed that he had an idol look about him. Wooyoung was thrilled that he was picked but also annoyed at the fact he had to drink more.

"MY TURN!" Mingi shouted.

"Most likely to learn a new language!" Mingi asked.

"3, 2, 1..."

Four of us pointed at San while the other four pointed at Hongjoong so they both had to take the shot while pulling a face making it known that they disliked the drink. San and Hongjoong pointed to each other too.

Hongjoong asked "most likely to go skydiving."


Everyone pointed to Jongho. This is because he told us all before I left that he would love to go skydiving one day. Jongho took the shot not phased at all. He didn't even pull a face meaning he must have liked the strong shot. To be honest, I really enjoy drinking sambuca too.

The next person to ask was Seonghwa.

"Ok! Most likely to win the lottery."


I pointed to Yeosang and so did Mingi, Yunho, Hongjoong and Jongho. The rest pointed to San meaning Yeosang had to drink. 

We played this for another 15 minutes then decided we were all too drunk to drink anything else. San and I were curled up together, telling each other how much we love each other. Yunho and Mingi decided to shoot hoops with the basketball which wasn't the best idea because they couldn't even see straight so they missed every time. Seonghwa and Hongjoong took themselves to bed, complaining to us that they were too old for this. Jongho, Yeosang and Wooyoung went out the back garden to have a cigarette. They don't always smoke but they like to when they have a drink every now and then.

"San, can we go to bed? I'm tired!" I yawned. He nodded and we walked hand in hand to my room. San's room still had broken glass everywhere so we decided to go to my room and clean it up tomorrow. We both took our clothes off and I found one of San's spare tops that I kept, placing it over my head and taking my bra off so I just had San's top and my panties on. San took off his clothes, leaving him in his boxers. We both went and did our teeth and washed our faces before hopping into bed.

"Goodnight San! I love you!" I cuddled into him.

"Goodnight y/n! I love you too!" San mumbled then kissed my lips. I kissed back but it was short and sweet as we were both really tired.

And with that we both fell into a deep sleep.

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