Chapter 25

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'Hongjoong knew' Seonghwa thought to himself. Was it that obvious? Does y/n know?

"I-I. How did you know? I only realised when it was too late and San already asked her to be his girlfriend. That's why I never pursued with my feelings after." Seonghwa asked.

"We are best friends and family. I can tell when you like someone. Your eyes would light up when y/n comes in the room. When she speaks; you always have your full attention on her. You are literally sat here crying over her right now. That is a huge give away. Don't worry though, it can stay between us." Hongjoong promised.

Seonghwa was grateful that he had a friend as close as Hongjoong. Seonghwa knew that he could tell him anything and no one else would ever find out. Sometimes he wondered what he would be doing now if he wasn't in a gang. Probably graduating from uni with a stable career with a decent income. Seonghwa was probably the smartest in the gang so he would definitely have a decent job.

However, he wouldn't change his life now for anything. He may have became successful If he wasn't in a gang but he has a family here. He never had anyone he would want to call his family before.

Yes he had parents, but they never cared for him. They were alcoholics and did drugs since he can remember. They hurt him physically verbally and emotionally. He decided one day that he had enough and ran away. Hongjoong found him alone one night with bruises, cuts and burn marks. Hongjoong decided to take him in as family and that is how the gang began.

The two decided to go back downstairs after Seonghwa had calmed down and pretended that their talk didn't happen. As the two went through to the kitchen, Seonghwa checked the packet of crisps y/n was eating and she had ate about half of the packet.

"She will get there eventually." Hongjoong whispered into Seonghwa's ear while patting his shoulder and he knew Hongjoong was right.

The two went out the door seeing everyone getting along and getting to know each other. This made the leader very happy as they could all become allies to help each other for any gang related work against others.

Y/n was talking to Jimin again as he had came back up to her to get to know her. Y/n decided to tell Jimin about Wooyoung being just as big of an army as her to get Wooyoung back for what he did earlier.

Y/n looked behind her to see Wooyoung giving her daggers again making her laugh. "So, you see the guy behind me shooting daggers?" Jimin looked over y/n's shoulder discretely then nodded.

"He is Wooyoung. He is a huge fan of you! I would say he probably is a bigger army than me. He knows all of your dances and songs. I see him practicing them whenever he is free. He watches compilation videos all the time and he is always laughing at his screen. I was wondering if you would go up to him and say 'hi' otherwise he will be killing me with his eyes for the rest of my life." Y/n asked. Jimin laughed at the last part and Wooyoung was looking over wondering what y/n said that was so funny for Jimin to laugh.

"Yeah, sure! Anything for an army." Jimin replied and left to go up to Wooyoung.

Jimin left, walking over to Wooyoung and I smiled at the thought of my friend speaking to his bias. I didn't tell Jimin that but he would realise pretty soon when Wooyoung explodes with excitement and blurts it out.

I could see Wooyoung trying to keep his cool while Jimin talked to him. They spoke for a few minutes and then Hoseok joined in the conversation. Wooyoung's heart definitely wouldn't survive now because Hoseok is his bias wrecker! I laughed, watching him get all nervous when Mingi came over putting his arm around my shoulder.

"What's so funny?" He whispered into my ear. I looked over and told Mingi how Wooyoung is a bit excited because he is speaking to his idols and he looks shy at the same time.

We both watched and giggled seeing Wooyoung's flustered face. Yes, Mingi giggled too. These guys all seem the total opposite of gang members. Nobody would suspect anything from any of these 40ish guys. I mean, some can look intimidating but they are all just like puppies really.


It was now 10:30pm and some of the memebers from groups left but others decided to stay and have a few drinks by the bonfire we made.

Everyone was dry and had bought spare clothes to wear. I was sat in San's lap cuddling into him. I worried that I was a bit heavy so I tried to get off San but he wasn't having any of it.

"Why are you getting up?" San questioned.

"Because I am heavy! I don't want to hurt you." I mumbled into his ear and looked away quickly so I wouldn't see his expression. I didn't want to see his feeling guilty look when he knew it was true.

"Baby?" San asked trying to get my attention. He kept on repeating but I refused to look. This caught some of the other boys attention around us but I still tried to block out San. I tried to get up again but San held on to me tightly.

"Y/n, you aren't heavy. You are literally like a feather on my lap. I promise."

"Don't lie!" I blurted a bit too loud. I then grabbed San's hand pulling him over to somewhere quieter. I then carried on in more of a hushed tone incase anyone could still hear. "I see the way I look everyday. I'm starting to look like a hippo again. I don't want to be heavy again. I don't want people to pick on me because I'm big. Maybe we shouldn't date. I don't want you to leave me if I get bigger so we should stop now before things get too seri..." San covered my mouth, stopping me from talking.

"NO!" He blurted realising he was too loud. "We are not breaking up! I am not going to leave you if you gain weight. I would pick you any day. I don't care how you look y/n. I care about your wellbeing and your personality more than looks." San argued back in a murmur.

I didn't reply. There was no chance San would stay with me if I gained weight. Anyone would be stupid to stay by my side. I ran off and went upstairs to clear my head, leaving San alone.

I snuck into Seonghwa's room, getting the one thing I needed right now that I knew he had. Cigarettes.

Seonghwa had told me before that I was welcome to grab some whenever I felt like I needed them. Today was that day. I found them in his top drawer along with a few other things. Typical guy having condoms in his top drawer too. I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. Although, I could not picture Seonghwa being the type of guy to sleep around.

I closed the drawer and left the room, going to mine and locking it. I looked out the window to see all of the boys still sat around the fire. San looked stressed out, refusing to talk to anyone. Mingi soon grabbed him and left the house taking San too. Lucas followed them too, catching up with them and walked alongside them. Soon, they were out of sight. I sat on my balcony lighting the cigarette, inhaling and exhaling through my mouth.

After smoking, I must have fell asleep because I awoke suddenly to loud panicking voices. I stood up and looked over the balcony to see all of the boys huddled around the gate.

"WE NEED TO GET HIM INTO THE MEDICAL ROOM NOW!" Hongjoong shouted. Everyone made space for the people to get through.

That was when I realised that Mingi and Lucas were carrying San who looked unconscious.

What happened?

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