Chapter 49

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4 years later
"Mummy, daddy! Can I go play on the park? I finished my food."

Yes! Y/N and San had their baby who was now  3 years old. His name was Juno and he is the cutest kid ever. They all lived in Ateez's home still but they were soon moving into their own home. The gang Ateez was no more but the guys still spend most of their time together. Some of them were in relationships now while the others were happy as they are. Seonghwa had finally moved on from y/n and found himself a girlfriend who he loved very much. Jongho was also in a relationship and so was Yunho. Hongjoong was now focused on his love for producing music while Wooyoung was still too busy flirting and bringing home random flings. However, the boy found his love for dance and singing along with Yunho, Yeosang, Seonghwa, Jongho and even San. Mingi found his passion for dance and rapping along with Hongjoong. They had formed a group and they were just beginning so there was no chance of these guys parting from each other anytime soon. BTS had also helped them out to find a company as they knew of many that would be great for Ateez. Wonho eventually found a new home far away where he knew he would be safe. And by far, he moved to the UK. Everyone was surprised and upset about his departure but they knew that it was something he really wanted.

The NCT members were still in a gang. Lucas eventually got over y/n after he realised at the party that all this time he loved her. He just realised too late. He isn't in a relationship but he is happy the way his life is at the moment. So basically, everyone is doing great and they are happily living their lives.

Y/N and San got married just over 1 year ago. Y/N thought it was a great time because she was able to get rid of all of the baby fat on her body in time for the wedding so she would feel much better in her dress. After a while, she learned to love the baby fat as she had created something beautiful, so she was no longer bothered about it while it was there.

"Yes, of course sweetie. Let's go!" Y/N answered.

The family just had a picnic and promised Juno that he could go and play on the park if he ate most of his food.

Y/N and San walked hand in hand while Juno ran ahead. "Juno, slow down! You might get lost!" San shouted from behind. Juno slowed down and waited for the couple to catch up.

Juno held onto San's hand. He soon saw the park in sight and got excited, trying to drag his daddy along so they could get there sooner.

"Hurry, hurry!" Juno exclaimed.

"Don't worry Juno, we have all day! You don't need to rush." Y/N put out there.

"I know but I want to play all day." Juno whined.

They soon got into the park and Juno went straight for the climbing frame. Y/N and San both sat on a bench, watching Juno climb up the climbing frame. They didn't understand how the child had so much energy when he hasn't even had a nap today. The married couple felt tired just watching him run around playing.

Juno came running up to his parents and began whining about wanting someone to play with. "Mummy, daddy! Look at those!" He said pointing at the two random siblings and continued. "I want someone to play with. Can I have a brother or sister?"

Y/N and San were surprised. Juno has never asked for a sibling before. The couple looked over to each other and grinned. What Juno didn't know yet was that y/n was pregnant with a second child. She wanted to wait a bit longer before telling him as she didn't want anything to go wrong with the baby and Juno get upset about it. They were going to tell him when the bump starts to get more obvious.

"Juno, we might be able to get you a little brother or sister one day! Don't worry!" San told him.

"How do I get a brother or sister? Do mummy and daddy buy one???" Juno questioned with a blank look on his face. San and y/n broke into laughter.

San then said "we will tell you once you are bigger!" Knowing that Juno would forget about that question and hopefully not ask it for a long time.

"I will eat more so I am bigger and I find out sooner!" Juno exclaimed making the two burst into laughter again.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this book! Please vote, comment and show your love for the book!!!! Thank you so much for reading this! I can't believe I have 21k reads. This is the most I have ever got so far on a fanfic!

My next book will be a Seonghwa fanfic so keep an eye out for it!!!

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