Chapter 43

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"Lucas?" I asked but obviously knew it was him. I then added "what are you doing here?"

"I just came to eat with a few of the guys."

That was a stupid question from me. Of course he came to eat.

"Are you really ok though? You look sick!" Lucas frowned.

"I will be fine. I just need to sit down." I mumbled, sitting down in the hallway that separated the toilets and restaurant.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming towards us.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Asked Hongjoong.

"I'm ok now. I just felt sick." I answered feeling a bit drained.

Hongjoong came and sat next to me. Lucas went somewhere saying he would be back in a moment.

"Y/N, you know that you can tell me anything, right? I won't tell a soul. Not even Mingi."

I knew I could trust Hongjoong. I'm just so unsure of everything that is going on with me right now. If I can't understand what's happening, then how would Hongjoong?

I bought my head to my knees, thinking about everything before telling Hongjoong.

No ones POV
Lucas went to find San as he was worried about y/n. When Lucas' eyes caught sight of the Ateez members, he walked over and said "what's up" to everyone. He then went over to San to tell him about y/n not being well.

"Y/N isn't very well. She is with Hongjoong but she looks really sick." Lucas said in a hushed tone so the others wouldn't make a big deal about it and cause havoc in the restaurant.

San looked at Lucas with shocked wide eyes and jogged straight towards the toilets. Lucas followed him and all of the others were left confused.

"What happened?" Asked Jongho. Everyone else shrugged.

San saw y/n with Hongjoong having a chat. Y/N looked drained with no energy unlike how she was at home. San came and sat by her on the opposite side to Hongjoong.

"What's wrong beautiful? I thought you said you were better." San asked.

"I was sick again but I feel a bit better now." I mumbled, placing my head on San's shoulder.

"Do you need to see a doctor? We should get you checked up to see if everything is ok with you." San looked concerned.

"I will be ok San! Don't worry, I don't need to see a doctor." I stressed.

Hongjoong then spoke up saying "y/n, I think San is right! You should go and see a doctor if you have been ill for a few days."

"I agree too." Lucas spoke out of nowhere. When did he come back?

I let out a sigh knowing that they weren't going to give up and just nodded. I stood back up and mumbled "Let's go back to our table. I'm hungry."

"I will see you soon y/n." Lucas pulled me in for a hug and then went back to his table. San held my hand and we walked back to our table and Hongjoong walked alongside us.

Everyone gave confused looks when we got back to the table but didn't ask any questions about our disappearance.

Just as we sat down, the waiter stated bringing our food to the table. Thank goodness for that! I didn't want someone to start asking me 20 questions.

I was tapped on my shoulder by Yeosang. I turned to him and he asked me in a hushed tone "were you ok? San just rushed off when Lucas came and told him something."

I nodded and whispered "I will tell you about it later when we are home." I felt like I could trust Yeosang with anything and he wouldn't tell a soul. I mean, I trust all of the guys but I know that very few can keep things from the others as they are super close.

All of our dinners were now in front of us so we started eating our food. My chilli con carne tasted beautiful. The flavours were unreal. San held out his fork to give me a taste of his carbonara. I opened my mouth and San placed the fork into my mouth. I chewed on the food and it was delicious. I made an 'mmmm' sound indicating that it tasted great and then offered San some of mine.

San opened his mouth, letting me bring the chilli con carne towards him. He took a mouthful and his eyes lit up. "That is delicious." San exclaimed.

"You two are making me cringe. Why do you have to be romantic in front of us?" Mingi whined. Some of the others nodded in agreement.We both shrugged but carried on with what we were doing.

Wooyoung was gazing at us admiringly. "I think it's cute! Don't you guys want a relationship like that one day?" Wooyoung asked clearly unbothered by us being romantic and cute together.

Hongjoong spoke out. "Yes! I think it is super cute and I can't wait for a relationship like that."

Yeosang then spoke up too. "If I don't have a relationship like that, I'm ending it." That made me giggle but it was great to see the boys talking about their future.

"I don't want something like that. It is too cheesy." Jongho came into the conversation. Mingi and Yunho nodded in agreement. Seonghwa didn't really say much. He was just staring into space. Something must be up. I will talk to him later.

San and I both ended up sharing the rest of our food with each other. I placed some of mine on a side plate for San and he did the same for me.

After finishing the meal, I really wanted a dessert so I tried to persuade everyone to get one which was hard because no one wanted one at first.

"Please! I really want a dessert!" I pouted.

"No y/n. No one else wants one. You can find something at home." Mingi argued back.

"B-but I really want one!" I said probably sounding like a spoiled child.

"No!" Mingi groaned again.

I honestly felt like I was going to cry because I really wanted a dessert. I don't know why I am so emotional but a tear fell. Before anyone saw, I put my head in San's shoulder.

"Aww baby!" San mumbled feeling sorry for me and then he started comforting me.

I started sniffling into San's shoulder.

"I want dessert too!" Yeosang finally agreed.

"You can eat it at home Yeosang!" Mingi frowned. I think Mingi just wanted to go home and rest. I understand because he has been doing missions for the past couple of days but I really wanted chocolate fudge cake.

"I want dessert too!" Wooyoung shouted. I lifted my head up to see him smirking. He definitely just wanted to annoy Mingi. I don't mind that. People started looking at Wooyoung weirdly but soon minded their own business. I giggled while wiping a few tears.

"I want!" San exclaimed

"I guess we are staying for dessert then because little miss spoiled brat wanted to." Mingi sighed looking a bit angry. 

Spoiled brat? Me? He was the one that was a spoiled brat at our parents house. He always got what he wanted.

A tear fell from my eye again but this time I didn't realise until San wiped it away.

"Why are you so emotional recently beautiful? I will take care of you. I promise." San whispered.

"I need to talk to you after this!" I told San in a hushed tone. That's 3 people I have said I will talk to after I get back home. San nodded, with a concerned look in his eyes.

✔️Damaged - Choi San x Reader (ATEEZ gang)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt