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A year...

A whole year had passed since Brody was born...

How did it even? Like it honestly felt like 3 months at most.

But a year?

I still remembered so much. And looking back, I realised just how much things were changing.

I remember Brody's first word...
When Bradley had been away for a few months, the minute he walked through the door, Brody held out his oh so fragile arms and simply said "daddy?!"
The look on Brad's face. The smile, the evidence of the slightest dimples, and a little twinkle in his eyes. It was the first time I had seen him genuinely smile in such a long time.

And Brody's first steps...
Me, Brad, Carolyne and Tris had bought Brody and Summer to the park and me and Brad decided we wanted to see if Brody could take his first step... I gently lifted him from his buggy and stood him up in between my legs as I held into his little arms. But as soon as Bradley knelt down and called for him with extended arms, our little boy ran without even losing balance once.

And I remember how I felt when me and Brad received our finished wedding invitations...
They read 'Destiny and Bradley would like to invite you to their special day, their wedding day.'
Brody had fallen asleep upstairs as Brad stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my stomach as his head rested on my shoulder. I remember nuzzling my cheek into his hair as we stood there in each other's embrace, knowing that, no matter how often we said it aloud, our love for each other could never be fully expressed.

But as I watched over Brody playing with Brad now, I realised just how alike they were...

Brody possessed his father's curly brown locks and his deep chocolate eyes. But every time he smiled, his eyes twinkled just like Brad's, reminding me of the beautiful human being who I shared Brody with... my house with... and soon the rest of my life with...

But I also thought about how much all of this could change with one simple little incident. One small act of stupidity from some stranger.

Some betrayal from a loved on.

Or even death...

And that scared the fuck out of me...



Sorry it's late and it's nearly Boxing Day now but I hope Santa got you every thing you wanted!

Also, I've planned a new story...
I'm kinda excited about it. I've properly planned it, whereas the previous stories have just been written. I wrote what felt right. But I will post when this story has ended :'(

Quick question: Do you want me to post a one chapter epilogue after 'Brad's Angel' has ended?

The end is drawing nearer...

But 10K reads?? What? Thank you for sticking with me <3

Again merry christmas
Love you
Casey xxx

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