20: I can't believe I did it...

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"WOW! Dee that was... amazing!"

"Thanks Tris..."

I let go of Brad's hand as I went to sit down on one of the sofa, where I lifted my knees up to my chest and rested my head on top.

Thats when I realised... I love singing... I always have, its just I've never been confident enough... But with Brad stood next to me... I felt like I had always been singing infront of people...


I looked up to see Carolyne stood infront of me.

"Why are you crying?"

Cryi- Ohh...

I lifted my hand up to my cheek when I felt the wet tears that had escaped my eyes.

"I... I don't know..."

"Awe come here!"

Carolyne sat down next to me as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I leant onto her shoulder and we just sat there hugging for a while.

"Thank you..."

Carolyne pushed me arms length away before looking at me confused.

"What for?"

"For just being here..."

"Awe boo... I'll always be here for you whenever you need me. Here, give me your phone."

I handed her my phone as she put in her details.


I was shocked when I heard a male's voice but I soon remembered it was Joe.


"You want to listen?"

He held out a pair of headphones, which I took as I sat down next to him on the leather chairs...

Wow! They were really comfy!


I intently watched the three of them as they looked so happy.

But I found I couldn't take my eyes away from Brad and as soon as the music ended, he opened his eyes and they immediately found mine. We both stayed still for a while, neither of us dared to move.

But Carolyne tapped me on the shoulder and I broke our eye contact as I took back my phone with a smile.

"I think I'm gonna go."

"No! You can't go! We are going Nando's! Please... otherwise I'm gonna be the only girl stuck with them idiots!"

"Okay then!"

"HEY! We heard that!"

I jumped at the sudden noise as I recognised the Brummy accent. I slowly turned around to see the three boys stood infront of me, trying their hardest to look hurt.

"Oh I'm sorry. These lovely, wonderful, good looking chaps!"

"Thats better!"

"Erm James... Your forgetting something..."


"I recall we made a deal... I sing... you take me to Nandos..."

"I thought you forgot about that!"

"I never... never... forget about food! Now come on!"

I dragged Carolyne by her wrist, who was holding Tristan's hand, and I grabbed Brad's wrist and started pulling them out of the studio.

"Come on James!"

"Geez Dee. What's gotten into you today?"

"Not food thats for sure!"

I let go of Carolyne's wrist and went to let go of Brad's, but he quicly entwined our fingers together and I decided I liked this much better so we walked hand in hand to Nando's, trailing behind the others.

"Table for 5 please"

"Sure madam. This way."

We followed the waiter to our table as I sat next to Brad, and opposite Carolyne and Tris, with James on the end.

We made small talk before the waiter came and took our orders.

James: "I'll have the Caesar Salad please."

Carolyne: "I'll have a Butterfly Burger please."

Tris: "I'll have the Double Chicken Breast Fillet Burger please."

Brad: "I'll have the Chicken Thighs please."

"And for you madam?"

"I'll have the Butterfly Burger with a side order of chips and coleslaw an-"

"Dee? How much?"

"Tris... shush... and Mixed Leaf Salad please."

The whole table looked at me like I was delusional... I'm sorry, but I was hungry... And there was food... so I took it!

I just noticed Brad smirking as he kept looking at me in the corner of his eye, before he rested his arm on the back of my chair, slightly rubbing over my shoulder.

It didn't take long for our order to come... and let's just say... my plate was very full...

And of course me being me... I dug straight in... before I felt something wet hit my cheek.

I dropped my fork before cautiously peeling off... Salad?.. from my cheek. I looked across from me to see Carolyne laughing to herself.

"CAROLYNE! You... you AssFizzle!"

That got the whole table laughing as I continued to eat my food... Don't judge me...

"Dee? Babe? AssFizzle?"

"You got a problem Simpson?"

"I kinda like it!"

I laughed at Tris as he pulled out his phone.

"I like it that much... its your new name on my phone!"

We carried on eating, some salad getting thrown at people, before we each paid for our food and started to split up and head home.

"Well... I've got a girly night in with Becca, so I'll see you guys whenever."

I hugged everyone before heading to Brad.

"Night love."

"G'night Bradley."

"I'll text you tomorrow yea?"


Before I could pull away from our hug, Brad placed his lips on mine, and lets just say... the zoo in my stomach was having a party...

We recieved a few wolf whistles from the boys before I pulled away and walked in the opposite direction than everyone else, but not before shouting...


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