43: Dreams...

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"I think you probably all know her, but I'd like to get my beautiful girlfriend, Destiny up here please."

My eyes didn't leave his as he gestured for me up on stage. Carolyne pushed me as I hadn't moved anywhere, and the security guard took hold of my arm and guided me up the steps to the stage.

Brad turned to face me, the microphone in one hand, and his other outstretched to me.

The smile on my face must have been the biggest smile I had ever held upon my face... ever...

I nestled into Brad's side as we faced the audience, the second he started speaking again, the fans went to complete silence.

"So... This is Destiny, my beautifully, amazing girlfriend. We have some news to share with you. Me and Dee are expecting our first child in a few weeks..."

He placed a hand on my stomach as the whole stadium lit up with 'awws'. 

"And I couldn't be happier... well that may be a little white lie."

I looked at his face, trying to understand what he meant, but the second I realised what he was doing, the first tear fell down my cheek.

"Destiny... my princess..."

He switched to his wireless microphone, dropping his other aside before taking ahold of my hands, as he knelt down on his knees...

"Will you make me the happiest man on earth and do the honours of marrying me?"

The crowd errupted into cheers whilst Brad bought out a small black box, containing the most amazing ring I had ever seen...


Brad quickly stood up, placing the ring on my finger before pecking me on the lips and embracing me into his chest.

"Oh, and don't worry. I didn't forget my manners... I went to visit your parents..."

More tears came as I snuggled my head into his slightly sweaty chest.

"I love you Bradley..."

"I love you too Destiny..."

I wiped away my tears and waved to the fans before running backstage to the awaiting Carolyne.

"Oh my fucking gosh girl! I am so happy for you!!"

I ran into her arms as we jumped up and down in excitement.

Carolyne was looking at the ring before I heard voices.

"Well done mate. You've done well..."

"I'm proud of you Bradleyyyyy!"

"Good one lad!"

I giggled before the boys walked into the dressing room.

Brad immediately stopped the second we made eye contact.

The room went quiet as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and Brad walked up to me.

"Hey baby."


"So... Mrs Simpson... how are you doing then?"

My smile widened at what he called me.

"Well Mr Simpson, I'm very happy right now..."

He placed his hands on my hips before replying.

"And why would that be?"

"Because my amazingly talented boyfriend just asked me to marry him..."

"He sounds delightful."

I leaned in, and just before our lips touched I spoke again.

"Oh he is..."

I closed the gap, both of us smiling through our kiss.

This was finally happening.

The moment I dreamed of as a little girl.

Everytime I thought about what he would look like.

What he would be like.

But Brad was so much more than everything I ever dreamed off...

And my parents are probably approving of him too...

He is the boy my parents wished would fall in love with me...

One who treats me right...

And one who makes me happier than I have ever been before...

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