23: I was so deeply sorry that day...

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"Hey guys!"

As we walked down from the sand dunes, I shouted to catch the attention of the boys and Carolyne.

Luke still had his arms around me and Becca, as we were still laughing about... I dont even know what we were laughing at.

Brad was the first to turn around, and I swear his eyes immediately changed...

His facial features went cold... almost emotionless. But from the look in is eyes, there was something there. Maybe? No. Not Brad...

"Oh hey gurlllll!"

I turned to look at Carolyne as she ran up to us. I wiggled out of Luke's grasp as we embraced each other, me still giggling, causing AssFizzle over here to join in.

When we released from each others grasp, I went up to James, engulfing him into a hug.


"Hey Dee."

I then hugged Tris, before turning to Brad. He held his arms out, but the hug lasted for like 4 seconds, and he quickly pulled away... okay then...

"You look happy today Dee!"

I briefly looked towards Luke, who winked back.


"It's a good look on you!"

"Awe thanks Tris. Oh and this is Luke, my neighbour and this is Becca, my roommate."

Becca hugged everyone and Luke just gave a nod to the boys and a brief hug to Carolyne.

"How about we get in the water?"

We all looked at Tris, and then I nodded at Carolyne as we both took off our tops and shorts, revealing our bikinis.

I don't know about Carolyne, but I felt the boys stares and it was making me feel so uncomfortable.

Let me fill you in...

When I was getting bullied about my parents...death... A lot of the girls used to pick on me because I was very skinny. They used to tell everyone I had problems and that I must starve myself... I had none of those things and to be honest, I ate more a day than them girls did in a whole week... So of course I was very self-conscious about my body.

I turned my attention to Becca, who was stripping, showing her bikini and I grabbed both the girls hands, running into the ocean, laughing.

Today was beautiful. It was warm, but the breeze kept it from getting too hot. The waves were delicately caressing the shore line, getting disturbed by us splashing each other. The only noises heard were the waves, the seagulls and our laughter. I hadn't had a day like this in such a long time, and it felt... it felt great.

I must have been daydreaming, as I felt water splash me in the face.

I looked to see Luke laughing his little heart out... like seriously? Did he just do that?

"You alright there Destiny?"

"I was... before you splashed me!"

Before he could argue back, I splashed him back... This then turned into a splashing war that ended up with me jumping on his back to stop him splashing me anymore.

"What are you doing?"

"You can't splash me now!"

"Oh a wise one ey?"

I sensed something in the tone of Luke's voice that I couldn't quite pick up on.

But I soon found out when he placed his hands on my thighs and began running out of the water.

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