26: I had to...

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"Here you are madam. Have a safe flight."

I grabbed the ticket before thanking the lady and walking back towards my gate. I guess this is it then...

"Well... I guess this is it then... Bye guys, I hope to see The Vamps on my TV soon! I wish you all the luck in the world with your music. And thank you for everything guys. Don't forget about me... Please..."

I gave them each a hug before I walked to the gate, my ticket in hand, tears streaming down my cheeks.

This really was it... I wasn't going to see them for months... Years...


I recognised the voice straight away, but I carried on walking. Trying to ignore him behind me.


This time he took ahold of my arm and turned me around to face him.

"Brad... Please just go..."

"No! I- I want to apologise for what I did... I don't know why I did it, and I was a fucking clueless arsehole! Please forgive me."

"Brad I need to g-"

"Please Destiny. Please don't go..."

A single tear fell down Brad's cheek as my tears came with more force.

Leaning forward, I wiped away his tear, wrapping my arms around him and whispered in his ear.

"Do me proud Simpson.... Do me proud..."


I'm sorry this is such a small update 😭

But the next part will be a long one, so please don't hate me ❤️

Stay beautiful

Casey xxx

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