41: Really?

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A few weeks had passed, and it was time for our second scan in two days.

This was the scan that would tell us the gender... and more importantly if everything was ok in there...

To be honest... I was really worried about what was going to happen.

But I knew Brad was going to be there.

He was currently doing some interviews somewhere and was staying the night, so I was currently alone at 6pm, reading... 

Exciting life I lead.

As I flicked through the pages, my phone went off, and as I saw the name, a smile formed on my slightly chapped lips.

From: Bradley Poo <3

Hey baby, I'm so sorry, but Joe said we are gonna have to stay another night due to interviews. Hope you don't mind and I love you <3 xxx

I felt this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Had he forgotten? Or did he just not care?

Suddenly, I wasn't in the mood and it showed through my reply.

From: Dee <3

K x

From: Bradley Poo <3

Are you ok baby? :( xxx

From: Dee <3

Ye x

Slowly, I closed my book and took hold of the blanket wrapped around my shoulders and made my way upstairs and into bed.

Bed is my friend... Bed doesn't forget things...

Oh my gosh. I'm going crazy! I'm talking about my bed like it's my best friend... 

Yea. I'm crazy...

Throughout the night, all I was doing was tossing and turning. I probably got like 3 hours sleep and I had to be at the doctors in an hour. I was too tired to even do my hair, never mind actually getting dressed and leaving the house. I'm also lazy it seems... 

Once ready, I checked my phone for the first time since last night and saw multiple text messages from Brad, asking what was wrong and if I was ok. He had also tried calling me like 20 times, but I wasn't in the mood for his shit right now...

Wow... am I hormonal all of a sudden? 

Or just damn straight pissed off?

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