33: Why?

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Groggily, I threw the duvet off of me, and stood up from the bed.

"Con? Your already dressed?"

"Yea. I answered the door to Carolyne and Brad so I had to get dressed."

"Go and tell them I'll be out in a sec?"

"Yea sure. Hurry baby..."

I hummed a song to myself as I threw on an oversized sweater and a pair of black leggings and put my hair up in a messy bun. I didn't bother putting on any makeup because I didn't really need any.

"Right... Let's see what these guys want..."

I let out a heavy breath as I made my way into the living room, to see Connor sat down on one sofa and Brad and Carolyne sat on the other.

"Morning guys. What do you wanna talk to me about?"

I made my way to Connor, as I sat on his lap, awaiting a response.

"Okay... Destiny. Please don't overreact or anything because of your past, but... Me and Brad have been dating for a while now and... Well... Were gettin-"



"Baby! Please wake up!"

I shot up, my eyes staying shut as I started screaming...

I jumped as I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

"Baby... Shhh. I'm here"


"It's me baby girl..."

I nuzzled my head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer, as I wept in his arms.

"Please don't ever leave me..."

"I won't ever leave you Dee. Never ever..."

We sat there in silence for a while before I got up from bed.

"Where are you going?"

"To get a drink. You go back to sleep babe. I'll be back in a min."

I didn't wait for a response as I went to the kitchen, avoiding the living room...

Sitting down at the breakfast bar, I sipped some water, as the dream- well more like nightmare- raced through my mind...

Why Connor?

Why in this house?


I grabbed my phone, seeing it was 2.35 am.

The only person who would be awake still is Carolyne...

From: Dee

Hey. U still up? X

It didn't take long for me to get a reply.

From: Carolyne

Hey boo. Me and Tris still up yea. What's wrong??? Xx

From: Dee

I just had the weirdest nightmare... Don't wanna go back bed :( xx

From: Carolyne

Awe I would come but Tris is a bit under the weather... :( go watch some TV Hun xx

From: Dee

:( hope he feels better by morning xx ok ty Hun n night xx

From: Carolyne

N night xx don't worry your pretty little head over it :) xxx

I took her advice as I dragged my sleepy legs into the living room, whilst I winced at the memory of the dream.

"Forget about it... It was just some stupid dream..."

The TV didn't really distract me, but I felt myself drift off to sleep pretty quickly, and the dream didn't come back...



Hey lovelies :)

Do any of you know a good, free app for making trailers? Please an thank you <3

Love you

Casey xxx

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