7: This is what it feels like to be happy...

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I woke up after 2 hours sleep...

What can I do at 6am?

Well... I could repay James for earlier...

Hmm... I think I'll make breakfast...

James was going to be up in half an hour...

I slowly got up out of the blankets and checked my appearance in the mirror...

It's the same as it normally is...

Bags under my eyes, slightly bloodshot eyes...

I looked kinda like Frankenstein's wife... geez... I'm too tired!

I put my hair into a messy bun and put up my hood.

Today I will be happy again. I'll do it for James, I'll do it for Becca and I'll do it for me...

But then I thought about Brad... how he kept asking James if I was okay, and without even realising, my face lit up. The edges of my lips curved up into a smile and my eyes looked so much more awake.

Shit... No stop!

But I just... I just couldn't...

I skipped to the kitchen, humming a little tune I had heard somewhere and started getting out some food from the fridge.

I know James likes eating healthy... it's so annoying! But I'm gonna make him an English breakfast...

Just a little thank you.

I grabbed more food than I needed because I remembered Brad and Tris were here and they would want some.

I began cooking, when I found the radio and turned it on, making sure the volume was low so I didn't wake anyone up.

Without thinking, I began dancing as I hummed along to the music in the background...

This morning... I felt more alive... It felt strange... but nice.

"Someone looks happy for saying they had 2 hours sleep!"

I jumped back, throwing the thankfully empty pan through the air.

I turned to face James laughing in the doorway as I held my hand on my heart.

"Shit! James you fucking scared me!"

"Sorry. What you making?"

I turned my back to him as I carried on cooking.

"Sit down and wait..."

"Okay. I'm now scared!"

I ignored his comment as I started singing along to the radio, acting like nothing could stop me today, or ever...

I heard footsteps approaching and I could prepare for the appearance of someone, instead of getting the fright of my life!

I heard them sit down on the stool as I turned round.

My smile grew as I took in the bed hair, letting out a little giggle.

"Morning Bradders!"

"Wow! someone's happy!"


"What you cooking there?"

"Erm... breakfast!"

"Well... I knew that bu-"

"Just wait and see! Is Tris up?"

"No. Do u want me to wake him?"

I smirked to myself as I placed the food on the plates.

I placed them in front of the boys.

Their eyes lit up as James looked up at me.

"Not once have you, Destiny Brooks, cooked breakfast for me..."

"It's just a little thank you... I'll be back in a sec."

I spoke as I grabbed three pans and I put my hood down, placing one of the pans on my head as a helmet.

I then started walking out of the kitchen as Brad called my name.

I turned around with the biggest smile on my face as I replied.


"Where are you going with the... you know... pans?"

"You'll see..."

I turned back, skipping to Tristan's room as I threw open his door, clanging the pans together as loud as I could.


I started singing really loudly as Tristan slowly got up, giving me the death glare.

Once he stood up and I knew he was... decent... I grabbed his wrist and skipped back into the kitchen, pushing him on the stool as I placed the pans back.

James just laughed, as I felt Brad's eyes watching me whilst smiling.

"That was a different way to wake me up... I swear, if you weren't a beautiful young lady, I would have punched you in the face..."

Me, James and Brad began laughing as Tris stayed straight faced.

"Multiple times..."

We settled down and finished our breakfast as James got up to leave.

"Well, I'm going now. Thank you for the lovely breakfast Dee. I'm glad your happy. You guys can stay as long as you want. Bye!"

I watched him walk out of the door as I placed my hood back up and walked back to the boys, remembering how it felt to be happy...

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