22: He seemed like a really decent lad...

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"Who was that boy ey Dee?"

As soon as I walked back into our apartment, Becca was stood leaning against the wall, arms crossed.

"The annoying prick who woke me up at 8 in the morning with his gun, but then he turned into the hot guy next door who asked for my number..."

Wow. Never thought an annoying prick would turn into a hot boy... well I'm not complaining.

Watching Becca intently, I noticed her jaw fall open as she let out a little gasp. Becca knows me and I'm not usually that confident around boys. She took a step closer and rested her palm on my forehead.

"What are yo-"

"You don't have a fever... hmm"


"You and your sudden confidence... I like it!"

I was about to argue back when I heard my phone go off in my room.

"Excuse me."

I literally ran to my room so I didn't miss the call, and when I saw the caller was unknown... I kinda had an idea of who it was.

But before I could answer, the ringing stopped.


But I quickly recieved a text from.. Brad?

From; Brad

Morning :) do you want to meet with us boys and Carolyne today? xx

My face lit up as I remembered how close me and Carolyne had gotten in our short time spent together.

By the way, we are going to the beach! xx

Okay... Now I was definately going!

From; Dee

Morning. I would love to! xx

From; Brad

Great! Meet there in an hour! xx

I was about to type a reply when my phone began ringing again and I was quick to answer this time.


"Hi. Is this Destiny?"

"Yea this is she."

"Great. Oh by the way it's Luke. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today?"

"Oh... I'm meeting some friends at the beach. Do you want to come?"

"I don't want to be intruding..."

"Oh come on! Please?"


"YAYYYY! Okay just be at mine in like 20 minutes?"

"Calm down there love! Haha. Okay I'll be there!"

"See you in a bit."

"See you later Destiny."

As soon as the call was ended, I jumped up and down, realising it wasn't enough to release my excitement, I began running around the whole house screaming... Becca jumped as I ran into the living room, before standing up and holding me by the shoulders.

"Dee? What the fuck?"


"Erm... babe... English please?"

"Brad invited me to the beach and then Luke called and asked if I wanted to hang out but I said I was meeting the boys and Carolyne and I asked if he wanted to come and he said yes!"

"OMG! Do you know what this means?"


"You get to see Luke shirtless!!"

"Becca! I'ts not that warm out. I doubt anyone of the boys will be shirtless. I gotta get ready he's coming in 20 and we have to be there in an hour. You wanna come?"

"YES! I get to see the boy that put that massive smile on your face earlier!"

I felt my cheeks heat up as I began walking to my room.


I decided to have a quick shower and I put on my bikini just incase the weather would be decent enough... I threw on a baggy sweater and some jean shorts and left my hair to naturally dry. My makeup was kept simple, just waterproof mascara and that was all I needed.

Just as I was putting on my toms, there was a knock at the door.

"Luke hey!"

"Hi beautiful!"

I stepped aside as he leant over, embracing me in a hug.

I'm sorry about today, but I literally just agreed to meet my friends when you called."

"It's okay. I get to meet the lucky people that know you!"

"Pfft lucky? Haha!"

"Your different... I like that."

"Oh... erh thank you?"

It came out more as a question and I immediately felt bad, but Becca being Becca interupted at just the right time, and as soon as she saw Luke, her eyes lit up. It's like all her happiness was being shown through her bright blue eyes... And she went on about my smile... She's basically eye humping him!

Ew... you know what... Just ew. I'm gonna stop talking about that now.

"Right. We best be off. It's about a 30 minute walk."

"Come on then loves."

As I locked up, Luke placed his arms over mine and Becca's shoulders, with him in the middle. We talked about the stupidist stuff and ended up laughing all the way there.

Today was going to be fun.

Today was going to be a day where my real smile is upon my face...

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