19: Little did he know...

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"I was thinking... How about we do..."

After Brad agreed to sing the song I had chosen, I reluctantly walked into the recording booth, with Brad by my side, almost calming me...

I watched as Brad looked so comfortable as he placed the headphones on.

"You ready?"

"No... " I replied as I put my headphones on...


Why did I agree to this?

"You'll do fine love... Just close your eyes and imagine your alone..."

I ignored Brad as I mentally prepared myself... It was a lot harder than I thought it would be...

But when I looked up at James, he gave me and Brad a thumbs up, which we both returned... Mine less eager, but I knew I had to do this... If not for anything, for myself.

I took a quick glance at Tris, who gave a thumbs up and then at Carolyne, who just looked up at Tris with nothing but utter admiration... It was the damn cutest thing I had ever seen...

But before I could think about it anymore, the music began playing... And I took one last deep breath before I began singing...

Here goes...


Little do you know... How I'm breaking while you fall asleep...

Little do you know... I'm still haunted by the memories...

Little do you know... I'm tryin to pick myself up piece by piece...

Little do you know I... Need a little more time...

Underneath it all... I'm held captive by the hole inside...

I've been holding back... For the fear that you might change your mind...

I'm ready to forgive you... But forgetting is a harder fight...

Little do you know I... Need a little more time...


I'll wait... I'll wait...

I love you like I've never felt the pain...

I'll wait...

I promise you don't have to be afraid...

I'll wait...

Love is here and here to stay...

So lay your head on me...

Little do you know... I know your hurting while I'm sound asleep...

Little do you know.. All my mistakes are slowly drowning me...

Little do you know.. I'm tryin to make it better peace by peace...

Little do you know I... Love you till the sun dies..

Dee and Brad:

Ill wait...

Just wait...

I'll love you like I've never felt the pain...

Just wait...

I'll love you like I've never been afraid...

Just wait...

My love is here and here to stay...

So lay your head on me...

I'll wait...

I'll wait...

I'll love you like I've never felt the pain...

I'll wait...

I'll wait...

I promise you don't have to be afraid...

Ill wait...

I'll wait...

My love is here and here to stay...

So lay your head on me...

Lay your head on me...

So lay your head on me...


Little do you know I...

I love you till the sun dies...

And breathe.

That wasn't so bad...

It actually felt kind of amazing...

But I did what Brad told me...

Closed my eyes and pretended I was on my own... It's the only way I can sing after it's been a while...

I slowly opened my eyes to see James staring at me... With his jaw literally hanging open... Erm...

I then looked at Tris and Carolyne... They both looked equally as shocked...

Was it that bad...? Was I that bad...?

I took the headphones off and all I could think was...

Oh no... It was awful... It wa-

"Fucking hell Dee... Where have you been hiding that voice of yours? Shit... It's...that was... Damn you can sing girl..."


I felt my cheeks heat up as me and Brad made eye contact for the first time since we came in here...

"You look beautiful when you sing..."

Brads voice quietened as he looked at his shoes, hiding his blush... But he soon looked back at me...

"Your smile... When you sing... It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... You just looked so happy..."

For saying I told this boy only this morning that I wasn't bringing down my walls... For anything or anyone...

Yea... I was wrong...

Seriously wrong...

Because I didn't let my walls down...

Brad had like... Bulldozed them down with such force... That with him... There would be no chance they could be built back up...

And quite frankly... That scared the shit out of me...

But it also excited me...

I came out of my daze as I looked at Brad holding out his hand for me to take...

Walking closer, I placed a delicate kiss on his cheek before taking a hold go his hand and heading out of the booth...

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