10: His Reaction Was What Scared Me...

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Brad pulled away as he looked into my eyes.

"Even though your a little fucked up and you gave me the perfect opportunity to walk away."

I smiled at his words as I snuggled into his chest.

"Thank you Brad..."

"What for?"

"For not running away and for caring."

"Dee... Everyone deserves at least one person in their life to love them more than they could ever know..."



"Please don't make me regret letting you through my walls..."

"You won't... Trust me."

Without saying another word, I stood up, taking Brads hand in mine, as I lead him back to James's apartment. I felt happy again.

Ben wasn't in my thoughts anymore. Because I had Brad... And I liked it...

*Later on that evening*

"So... We need a name for us..."

We were sat in James's dining room around the table as the boys talked about the band.

I was listening, but I was kinda zoning out, not saying anything, until I finally had an idea.

My brain was full of all the names the boys were spitting out, but I had one in the back of my mind that could work...

"How about... The Vamps...?"

The three boys jumped as they were reminded of my presence.

"Hmm... The Vamps... I like it. Brad? Tris?"

"Well I like it. It's different, like us."

I smiled at Tristan's answer.

"Well I think it's perfect..."

"Right that's settled. Thanks Dee."

"No problem... But I need to go back to the apartment..."

James nodded as Tris looked at me confused.

"You don't call it home?"

"No. It never will be my home. I don't have a home anymore... I better go. Bye Jems, bye Tris, bye Brad."

Brad jumped up, making me jump.

"I'll go with you."

"Awe Brad. It's fine honestly. You stay here."

"I need to go home anyway..."

"Come on then..."

I hugged James and Tris before walking out with Brad.

The walk to my apartment was silent, but our hands never left each other's. It felt nice to have someone hold your hand like this...

"Well... This is me..."

"Oh... Okay..."

Brad looked... Saddened?

"Do you... Do you wanna come in for a drink or something?"

His eyes immediately lit up as he tried to hold back his grin.

"If you don't mind."

"Come on then."

I dragged him up the set of stairs as I stopped us both at the door, remembering I didn't have my keys, so I began knocking on the door.

It took a while, but Becca finally opened the door.

"Becca. I love you and everything... But Jesus Christ do you need to be fucking somebody 24/7?"

"Oh shush."

"So your not naked under that dressing gown and there isn't a very indecent boy lying on your bed right now, waiting fir you?"

A smirk grew on my lips as Brad looked outright confused and Becca began smiling.

"You know me too well Dee. I'll be out in a bit."

She ran towards her bedroom door, before running through and locking it...

I then remembered Brad.


"Erm... That was Becca, my roommate."

"She seems... Delightful... How did you guess all of that stuff?"

"Because it happens about 6 days a week every week. The exact same very day... I don't know how she copes."

"No offence, but she seems like a bit of a slut..."

"Oh she is! But she's so sweet."

I laughed as I led Brad to the living room.

"Make yourself comfortable!"


I walked into the kitchen to make us a coffee, when the radio caught my attention.

'The winds are picking up. They are reaching 150mph and you are strongly advised to stay inside under any circumstances. Stay safe...'

I can't let Brad go home in this...

I quickly finished making the coffees when I headed to the living room.

"Doesn't look like you will be going home tonight Simpson."


I sat next to him on the sofa before turning to look at him.

"150miles per hour winds... I'm not letting you outside in that. So your Honda have to put up with me some more."

"Fine by me. And thank you love. It's nice to know someone cares for me."

I took this opportunity to look at Brad properly...

His brown eyes... His brown curls... His face... His... His everything!

I didn't know what it was, but something was drawing me to him...

And that feeling grew stronger with each passing minute spent next to him...


Hello :)

I just want to say thank you for all your sweet comments they really mean a lot to me and I'm glad your enjoying the story :)

Oh and I'm going Total Access Live todayyyy!! So excited to see Union J perform :0

Thank you for your support on this story and all my other stories.

It makes me happy to see you guys enjoying them.

Stay beautiful

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