25: No return...

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"I'll wait as long as you need love."

"Thank you. Carolyne, wait here?"

"Sure. You go ahead and say your goodbye."

I slowly got out of the taxi and made my way towards my parents. This wasn't a goodbye, it was a see you later. I couldn't just leave and never come back... They would be so disappointed in me.

I soon found myself stood in front of mum and dad, as I began to say my 'see you laters...'

"Hi mum. Hi dad. I hope your okay up there. Please don't be mad at me, but I'm going to France to see Emily... I haven't spoken to her since she moved out, and I need to see her. But I just need to get away from here... Bad things keep happening and I'm sick of having to forgive people all the time, when if it was the other way round, they would tell me to get stuffed! I will comeback and visit, but I need time to think... And the further away I am, the easier it will be. I know your mad at Emily, but I need my family right now and if she's all I got left then I've got to mend things... So I'll see you later. Don't forget about me. I won't forget about you. Bye..."

I kissed my fingers before touching both my mum and dad's stone before making my way back to the taxi.

"Thank you for waiting..."

"No problem my love. Ready to go?"

"Yes thank you."

Carolyne nudged me, making me look her way.

"You okay boo?"

"Yea... It wasn't a goodbye. I'm coming back..."

"Good! Because I don't think I will be able to cope with all the boys on my own!"

"You have Becca. I think you will cope..."

We left it at that as we kept silent for the rest of the ride there.

But I felt my heart beat faster as the taxi came to a stop outside airport.

"Is it okay of you wait for about 10 minutes so you can take my friend back? I will pay you for the whole thing."

"It's on me love. Yea I'll wait right here. Have a safe flight."

"Thank you."

Me and Carolyne got out and grabbed my suitcases from the back and headed inside the airport.

"I'll say goodbye now so you can just go when they call you."

I felt a single tear fall down my cheek as I dropped my bags and wrapped my arms around Carolyne.

"What would I have done without you AssFizzle?"

"Stop it! I'm going to cry in a minute!"

"Thank you for everything. Im gonna miss you so much. I'll come and visit when I know what's happening."


"I promise."

"And you gotta text me everyday and all that shit!"

"I will!"

I hugged her tighter as the voice through the speakers announced my flight.

"Goodbye my little AssFizzle... Love you forever and a day..."

"See you later Dee... Love you for infinity..."

I slowly pulled away as I put my bags on the drop off and started walking towards the gate, tears streaming down my cheeks, but I didn't care. Right now, my appearance was the last thing on my mind.

"Ticket please madam."

As I was about to hand the lady my ticket, I heard someone shouting my name. But when I turned around...

"Excuse me for one moment please."

"I'm sorry madam but you need to board now."

"I don't give a fuck. I'll catch the next flight!"

I turned back and headed towards where me and Carolyne parted.

"Dee? What the fuck?"


It came out more like a whisper, but he heard as he ran over to me and picked me up by the waist, holding me tight.

"Why would you leave without a goodbye?"

"I did say goodbye... At the beach..."

"Fucking hell Dee. Do you know how worried we all were?"

He put me back down on my feet as I peeped over his shoulder at Carolyne, who looked just as confused as me.

Tris was next, as he nearly knocked me over as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Please stay Dee..."

By now I was completely breaking down in his arms, a strange feeling settling in my stomach.

"I'm sorry Tris... I need to go..."

"No you don't! Please just stay here."

"I don't know Tris..."

I pulled away as I heard someone cough, trying to get my attention.


"Hey Dee..."

I walked over and wrapped my arms around Luke, him doing the same to me.

"Why you leaving?"

"Ergh... So many reasons..."

"What ever you need to do love..."

"Thank you."

I pulled away and I saw Scarlett stood there smiling at me.

"Hey Scar!"

We embraced each other for a while before I stood back, looking at the beautiful people that stood in front of me.

"You two know each other?"

"Met earlier today in this little cafe. She makes great coffee!"

"And we talked for a while and boom!"

We laughed before it fell silent again.

"Erm... Where are Brad and Becca?"

I looked towards Carolyne before scanning the area. She was right... They weren't here...

"Probably fucking somewhere knowing Becca..."

"Come on Dee. Beccas our best friend!"

"Was..." I corrected James. That bitch is just... Just a whore...

"Are you still going?"

"Yea Tris. But I'll be back soon... I better go and get another ticket..."

"We will came with you!"

James hooked his arm through mine as did Carolyne as we all joined arms and walked to the desk to buy another ticket...

What Scarlett had said earlier was ringing through my mind...

Who was keeping me here? These guys right now...

Who was pushing me away? Brad and Becca...

Maybe Emily could come here?

No she wouldn't want to talk to me probably...

"One ticket to France please...

No return..."

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