I'm John Cena

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"Wait this is a joke right?" Y/n asked.

"No, they really would love it if you could come teach a tap class," Taylor said, "you would be teaching people who want to be on Broadway, but don't know how to tap dance."

"Oh, of course I'll do it!"

"Great. The timeline so far is, we'll have you fly out in about a week, and you'll have a place to stay, while you teach two weeks of tap, an hour and a half class everyday."

"Okay, great," Y/n said freaking out, but trying to sound calm.

"I will give your agent the rest of the information, but have a good day."

"Thanks," Y/n said, as Taylor hung up.

Y/n then immediately did a happy dance, she didn't care that there were at least a dozen people who could see her, but Dylan did.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Dylan asked her, cautiously,  slowing approaching her as if she was an animal.

"Huh? Oh yeah," Y/n grinned, "I'm just fine."

"Are you sure about that?" Dylan said, impersonating John Cena, then return to his normal voice said, "You usually don't do a dance like that, unless something happened."

"That's because something did happen," Y/n said, "I was asked to go teach a tap class-"

"That's lame," Dylan frowned, "Why would you be so excited about that?"

Y/n frowned, "Let me finish my sentence," she sighed, "I was asked to go teach a tap class, on Broadway."

"Why would Broadway want you to teach a tap class?" Dylan asked, "They don't even want you to be in a musical."

"Dylan, I'm teaching a class for beginners," Y/n said, "But, I'm just thankful they asked, they might ask me to act at some point."

"What's going on?" Tom asked, walking up to Dylan and Y/n, Harrison close behind.

"I'm going to teach a tap class," Y/n grinned.

"Where?" Harrison asked, looking as though he was thinking the same thing as Dylan.


Tom grinned and hugged Y/n, "Darling, that's amazing!" he said, "You'll be perfect for that!"

"You tap dance?" Harrison asked.

"Haz, I told you about it, don't you remember?" Tom asked in reply.

Harrison's face lit up in realization, "Oh, you're the tap dancing girl," he said, "That makes a lot more sense now."

They all laughed, "Well, we should go out and celebrate," Tom said.

"So do what we were already going to do," Dylan said, "But say it's for Y/n?"

"Dylan are you just sad that I'm going to be gone again?" Y/n teased, "Because I will be back."

"Ew no, why would I miss you?" Dylan said, "You're my only source of ice cream, and that's it."

"Sure," Y/n said, rolling her eyes, "Let's go."

They ended up going to a nice restaurant, and sat, talking and eating.

"So when's the next time you plan of seeing your girlfriend?" Y/n asked Harrison.

"I already booked a flight to fly to Atlanta," Harrison smiled, "And since Dylan's girlfriend is Kylee's sister, I got their address, and I'm going to surprise her."

"Aww," Y/n gushed, "That's so cute, I promise she'll love it."

"I hope she does," Harrison said.

Dylan gagged, "Am I going to become all weird and romantic when I'm twenty?" he asked.

"Considering it you," Tom joked, "Most likely not."

Dylan frowned, "Thanks," he mumbled eating his food again.

Y/n put a hand on her brother's shoulder, "Don't be sad, you just need to confess your undying love for, Ivy."

"No," Dylan said, "It's too soon to do that, I don't even know when the next time I'm going to see her is."

"Excuses, excuses," Harrison sighed, "You'll never do it if you keep making up excuses."

"Haz, he's not even old enough to drive other blokes," Tom said, "I don't think he needs to, as Y/n put it, 'his undying love'."

"Sure he can," Harrison shrugged, "It's not like he's going to die if he does."

"I'm also not going to die if I don't," Dylan pointed out.

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Okay, we don't need to talk about this anymore," she said, "Let's just keep eating, Dylan can confess his love for Ivy when he wants to."

*time skip brought to you by me being a cripple now*

Y/n and Tom we're sitting in the SLC airport, on their way to the LaGuardia Airport.

"I haven't been to New York for a while," Y/n said, waiting for their call so they could board their plane.

"I haven't been to New York it's self in a bit," Tom said.

Another perk of having to fly to New York was the fact that Y/n and Tom already had to, so they could do interviews for Spider-Man: Homecoming, they had a bulk of it done from staying in LA, but of course there were other social media, magazines that wanted interviews with the cast. So, Tom was going to be there for a couple of days, then he would be flying somewhere else to go do interviews there.

"Well you'll only be here for a bit," Y/n sighed, "I'll be 'all by myself' for the rest of the two weeks," she sung the first part.

"You'll be great, Darling," Tom said causing a small blush to form on Y/n's face, "I bet they'll all love you."

"I hope they do," Y/n smiled, "If not, then I guess they won't learn how to tap."

"That's the spirit," Tom grinned.

Y/n grinned as well, as Tom kissed her on the cheek, "You are going to be the best beginning tap teacher Broadway has ever seen," he said.

"Sure I will," Y/n said sarcastically, playfully rolling  her eyes, "I bet they've seen better than me."

"Well, Love," Tom said, "In my eyes, you're the best tap teacher Broadway has and ever will see."


hey, my name's microsoft.
can i crash at your place tonight?

my day has been crazy (too many bad things happened) so i had like no time to write but uh here it is anyway

see ya later bee bro's

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