Harrison: The Third Wheel

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Y/n had a blast with Tom and Harrison, everyday had a new surprise in store for the new trio, or you could say Harrison was just always third wheeling Tom and Y/n.

"It's official," Harrison said, "According to this post I'm the third wheel of our friendship."

Y/n and Tom laughed, "Harrison, you are the coolest third wheel on this planet," Y/n said. She and Tom were holding hand, and just sitting in the couch.

"Yeah, mate," Tom agreed, "Most people wish they could have you as their third wheel."

"Thanks," Harrison grumbled, "But in the words of 'theofficialhollander' I'm, 'The ultimate third wheel, I'm just always there with you two."

"They're not wrong," Y/n said, "But think about it, it's like we're the Golden Trio from Harry Potter. That means I'm Hermione, Tom is Ron, and that makes you Harry, Harrison."

Harrison frowned, "I guess you could put it like that," he said, "But that does make me cooler than you."

"If that helps you sleep, mate," Tom joked.

Y/n laughed a bit and got up, "What do you two want to eat?" she asked.

"Whatever is fine," Harrison said.

"I agree with Haz, I don't mind," Tom said, now scrolling through Instagram, "Oh, mate I found the post."

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen, pulling out some of the bread Harrison picked out the last time they went to the store.

One day, Harrison and Tom woke Y/n up very early, by hitting her multiple time in the face with pillows.

"You nerds," Y/n grumbled, opening her eyes, "I'm awake, you can stop."

"Good morning, Y/n," Harrison said, "We need to be off soon, we're going to the Tower Bridge this fine morning."

"Why didn't you tell me this yesterday?" Y/n asked sitting up.

"Haz thought it would be a good idea to not tell you," Tom said.

"And you agreed with him?" Y/n asked.

"Well, er- no," Tom said awkwardly, "I'm sorry darling, I was going to, but it must've slipped my mind."

Y/n sighed, "Well get out so I can change."

Tom and Harrison chuckled and left Y/n in her room.

After the three of them got ready Harrison threw the keys to Y/n, "You're driving again."

"I feel like I always drive," Y/n sighed, then throwing the keyed to Tom, "No pass backs."

Tom rolled his eyes, "Since both of you don't want to drive I'll drive," he said.

"What a kind bloke," Harrison said, "I'm sitting shotgun."

Y/n finished buttering her toast, and booked it for the car, "Not if I get there first!" she yelled.

Harrison sighed, and ran after her. Y/n ran out to the garage and got into the car. Harrison was fast and was right behind her, he tried opening her door, right as she locked it.

Y/n smirked to herself, "That sucks man," she yelled, so he could hear her.

Tom walked out into the garage, laughing, "Haz, it looks like you lost." he said unlocking the car for him and Harrison to get in.

"Why can't a bloke want to sit next to his mate?" Harrison asked, getting into the car.

"Because he has a girlfriend," Y/n said, "Which also happens to be me."

They drove over to the Tower Bridge, Harrison giving Tom and Y/n a history lesson the entire time.

"Most people mix up Tower Bridge with the London Bridge," he said, "Y/n did you even know what Tower Bridge was before I started talking about it?"

"I've heard of it a couple of times," Y/n said, "The bridge I've always wanted to see is the London Bridge."

"We can take a gander," Tom said, "But it's a bit boring really."

"Really?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, that's it right there," Harrison pointed out.

Y/n's eyes widened, "You're joking right?" she asked, "That can't be the London Bridge."

"As I was saying most people mix up the two bridges," Harrison said, "That right there is the Tower Bridge."

"That's what I thought the London Bridge looked like," Y/n said.

"Well we're going to walk across the top this morning," Tom said.

Y/n smiled, "I can't wait, you two are the best."

"And this is why I didn't want to tell you, Y/n," Harrison said.

Tom pulled into a parking lot and turned the car off, "Well we're here, are you ready, love?"

"Of course, how could I not be," Y/n said, getting out of the car.

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are you google?
because you're everything i'm searching for.

see ya later bee bro's

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