My Room is a Mess

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It was February now, Y/n was swamped with homework, and studying since exams were coming up.

She was living at home again, since it was close to campus, and it was too late to get an apartment plus a roommate.

"Y/n! There's a package for you!" Dylan yelled.

Y/n sighed and got up from doing her chemistry homework, "Coming!"

She walked to the door, and Dylan handed her a large package, "Did you order anything?" he asked.

"No I did not," Y/n said, "But this look like it has something to do with Marvel."

The trailers for Spider-Man Homecoming had came out in December, so Marvel had been doing a lot of advertising, which also meant Y/n was also doing the same.

"Merchandise?" Dylan asked, "Because if it is, you should totally give me some."

Y/n laughed, "Maybe I will."

Y/n hauled the package to her room and placed it on her messy bed, immediately taking it of so she could make it.

Finally after five minutes of moving all of her blankets off and back in her bed looked nice. She put the package on the bed, and opened it, then decided to FaceTime Tom since it was about five over there.

"Hey, Tom," Y/n said when he picked up.

"Hi, Y/n," he replied, "Did you get a package from Marvel?"

Y/n smiled, "Yeah, that's why I called you," she said.

"Well, I was just going to see if you got one," Tom grinned, "Because I wanted to open it with you."

Y/n was grinning as well now, "Well, I already cut it, so I guess after you do the same we can look through them."

Y/n head Tom opening the box, "Okay," Tom said, "Three, two, one."

The two of them opened the packages, Y/n gasped, "This is amazing," she said.

"The letter?" Tom asked, chuckling.

"Uh, yeah," Y/n said, slightly embarrassed now, "Okay, this is my first box from a big company to me personally, anything I see is great."

"I know, Love," Tom said, "Do you have the same letter as me?"

Y/n pulled out the letter, "Let's see, 'Dear Y/n, by now you probably have seen the trailers for Spider-Man Homecoming, we put together this box to show our appreciation for how hard you worked' I definitely did a lot," Y/n said, sarcastically.

"You did almost pass out from working, multiple times," Tom said.

"That is true," Y/n agreed, "I'll keep going, 'We hope you enjoy the merchandise, and we would live if you advertised the movie more on your social media, (there's no pressure). But we hope you have a good week. Marvel Studios'. They are really nice."

"They really are," Tom agreed, "D'you want to grab the first item?"

Y/n nodded, and she pulled out a mug. It was a picture of the poster for the movie, "This is pretty nice," Y/n said.

"I agree," Tom said.

"Is that Y/n!" Y/n heard someone shout.

"Is that Harrison?" Y/n asked, grinning.

Tom looked up, "No, it's Harry," he said, "Yeah, you can come and say hi, but can you also get Haz?"

"Got it!"

Y/n laughed, "Is Sam there too?" she asked.

Tom shook his head, "No, he had school work to do, and I think he said he and Paddy were going to go golfing after."

"Your family and golf," Y/n sighed, "I don't get it."

"Says the girl who brought tap shoes halfway across the world for a cruise," Tom retorted.

"Just you wait," Y/n said.

"Hi Y/n," Harry had just walked into Tom's room.

While Y/n was still in London, she went with Tom to meet his family, and have dinner. She hit it off pretty well with, Harry, Sam, and Paddy.

"How's school?" Y/n asked.

"Pretty well, well I think it is," Harry said.

Y/n laughed, "That's how I feel, happy early birthday," she said.

Harry grinned, "Thanks, I'll be an adult in four days," he said, proudly.

"Is that my favorite American?" Harrison showed up, "How's it going Y/n?"

"Not great," Y/n frowned, "But, I interrupted my giant homework session to call Tom, about the Marvel package."

"Some of that stuff is for me," Harrison said, "Innit, mate?"

Tom rolled his eyes, "Sure Haz, I might give you something."

"Y/n!" Dylan shouted, walking into her room, "Mom wants to know if you need anything from the store, she said to ask specificity if you needed any 'lady items'."

Y/n's face heated up, "Dylan, not right now," she said, she turned back to her phone, "You heard none of that."

Tom gave a warm smile, "Sure we didn't, Love."

Y/n face turned a shade deeper, "Dylan, you can say hi to Tom, and then leave."

"Hi Tom, and the other two people I don't know," Dylan waved, "I still need an answer, mom's leaving in a little bit."

Y/n shook her head, "No I don't, go text Ivy or something now."

Dylan shrugged and walked back to his room.

"That was quite interesting ," Harrison said.

"Tell me about it," Y/n sighed, pulling out her chemistry homework again, "I live with him."

"You don't live in a dorm anymore?" Harrison asked.

"Mate, I told you about this," Tom said, "It was too late for her to get a new roommate."

Y/n nodded, she didn't mind not living in a dorm, she was just glad her roommate wasn't Olivia.

"Y/n I'm terribly sorry my brother made it so you can't live in a dorm, "Harry apologized.

Y/n laughed a bit, "It's no problem, I ended up getting to stay in London for a bit, so it was worth it."

"I'm glad it was," Tom said, "I loved spending time with you."

Harry gagged, "Gross," he said, "You two should just get married already."

Tom raised an eyebrow, "You and that Mariah girl you were telling me about should get married."

"Thomas, I'm not even eighteen yet," Harry huffed, "I don't think she'd want to move things that fast."

"Y/n and I feel the same way," Tom pointed out.

Harrison rolled his eyes, "You two've been dating for more months, and you've both been legal adults for two years."

"We'll I would like to finish at least a year of college before I get engaged," Y/n said, "And what I want is kinda important to getting married."

"She's right," Tom agreed.

Y/n stared at her pile of homework, "Well I have to do homework, so I'll call you later Tom," Y/n said, "Bye."

"Bye, love," Tom said.

"Bye Y/n," Harrison grinned.

"Don't die without my brother, Y/n," Harry said.

"I'll try not to," Y/n grinned, "Talk to you guys later."


i forgot my number.
can i have yours?

see ya later bee bro's

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