I Love Dylan and Ivy

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Harrison was driving, with Y/n and Tom in the car. They were heading to the airport, so Y/n could go back to spend Christmas with her family.

"I have no clue how you two are going to live without me," Y/n sighed, "Especially if Harrison can't pick a loaf of bread."

"Okay, Y/n, it was once," Harrison huffed. Tom and Y/n started laughing, Harrison ended up joining in after a few seconds.

"But really, I'm going to miss you two," Y/n said, "Although this is not going to be the last you see of me."

"Of course it won't," Tom said, reassuringly.

"Yeah, we'll have to deal with you again at the premiere," Harrison joked.

"More like I'll have to deal with you two at the premiere," Y/n corrected, "The premiere is at the end of July, that's only, seven months."

"Seven months is quite a long time, Y/n," Harrison said.

"Yeah, Y/n we were only apart for about four months," Tom frowned, "Seven month is almost double that."

"I'll have to see if I can fly over in the summer then," Y/n said, "I don't think they'll want me to miss anymore school after missing two months."

"I don't think they're going to want that either," Harrison agreed, "Or they might, they are still getting paid."

"Thank you for reminding me about how much I paid to go to school, minus my scholarship."

"You got a scholarship?" Tom asked, "Y/n, why didn't I know that?"

Y/n gave an awkward smile, "It might be because I didn't tell you," she said, "I may have forgotten about it when we talked about it."

"Well there's no more time to talk about it," Harrison said, "We're here."

Y/n frowned, she wasn't going to be able to see her favorite two nerds for months now. Harrison parked the car and the three of them got out.

Harrison went and grabbed Y/n's luggage, giving Tom time to say goodbye to Y/n.

"I'm going to miss you so much," he said hugging her.

"I bet I'll miss you more," Y/n replied.

Tom chuckled, "Not a chance," he said, the he gave her a small kiss goodbye. When they pulled away, Harrison was watching them.

"Harrison, why did you watch?" Y/n asked.

"What else was I supposed to do, pretend I had no clue who either of you were?" he asked.

"You could've, mate," Tom sighed.

Y/n gave Harrison a hug, "Remember that it isn't hard to chose a loaf of bread," she smirked.

Harrison smiled, "If I do I'll call you," he replied.

Y/n kissed Tom one more time and left to go back to Utah.

*time skip brought to you by the smell of bleach*

Y/n was back in Utah, and at home, making cookies with Dylan.

"So how was your vacation?" Dylan asked, "You we're gone for a while."

"It was great," Y/n smiled.

"Did Tom propose?" Dylan asked smirking now.

Y/n rolled her eyes, now frowning, "What is with you and thinking that?" she asked, "He didn't propose yet, and I'm not sure when he plans to do so."

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