Hanging Out With Nerds

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Later that day Tom and Harrison decided it would be a fantastic idea to show Y/n how to drive in London.

"Your cars are flipped," Y/n said, when they brought up the plan, "How am I supposed to drive on the right side of the car?"

"Are cars are the right way," Harrison said, "Your American cars are the cars that are flipped."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Sure they are," she said, "But if we die or get in a crash that's on you two not me."

"Y/n you'll be fine," Tom reassured her, "You drove in Atlanta and in Utah, I think you can drive in London."

"Maybe we'll see the Queen," Harrison suggested.

"Yeah right," Y/n said, "Because that's very probable."

Tom tossed something to her, Y/n caught it, "So you really want to do this?" she asked, it was the car keys.

"It'll be fun," Harrison said, "Come on let's go."

Y/n sighed, she was going to be staying with these two nerds for at least two weeks.

The three of them walked out to the garage getting into the car Harrison drove when he picked them up from the airport.

Y/n put on her seatbelt, and made sure Harrison and Tom did as well, because safety. She stuck the keys in and turned the car on.

"I really dislike driving on this side of the car," Y/n mumbled, she carefully backed out of the driveway.

"Drive on the left side of the road, Darling," Tom informed her.

Y/n gave him a thumbs up, and started driving on the left side of the road, which was really strange for her.

"Y/n, you're a natural," Harrison said, grinning.

"Harrison, we've been on the road for three minutes," Y/n replied, "I don't think that's enough time to judge how well I drive."

"Take a right here, Darling," Tom said, Y/n nodded and took a right.

"So where are we going?" she asked after he instructed her a few times.

"We're going to Tesco," Harrison informed her, "Tom and I are running out of food, and now you're staying with us, so we need food."

Y/n lightly snorted, "So I'm your chauffeur now?" she asked.

"No," Tom said quickly, "We decided that it was be interesting to see - take a left- you drive, or well a learning experience for you."

"Getting food was just a bonus," Harrison added.

"Shut up, Mate," Tom said, punching Harrison on the leg.

"It's fine, Tom," Y/n said, parking the car, "I think we're here now."

"That's correct," Harrison said, "I'm surprised you found it after Tom stopped giving you directions."

Y/n shrugged getting out of the car, "That's just how I roll."

They walked into the store, Y/n noticed her height difference between her, Tom and Harrison. Y/n and Tom were about the same height, Tom only had one or two inches on her, while Harrison was at least three or four inches taller than her.

Y/n had no idea what she was doing, so she just followed Tom and Harrison to get stuff. They walked over and grabbed some microwave dinners.

"Do you guys not know how to cook?" Y/n asked, "Because microwave dinners aren't going to cut it."

"What should we get? Miss L/n," Harrison said, "I'm so sorry I forgot it's, Mrs Holland."

Y/n smiled and rolled her eyes, "Where's the meat section?"

Tom interlinked their arm, "I'll show you, darling, just follow me," Tom said, "You'll be alright by yourself, mate?"

Harrison nodded smirking, "I will, don't be too long."

Tom showed Y/n the meat section, Y/n grabbed a couple of different meats, after her and Tom went looking for Harrison, finding him in the bread section.

"Haz, mate, what are you staring at?" Tom asked, Harrison was very focused on the bread.

"I don't know which one to get," he replied, not even looking up at Tom and Y/n, "It's a hard decision."

"I understand why you stick to microwave meals now," Y/n sighed, "It doesn't really matter what bread you pick Harrison."

"It is when you're staying with us," he replied.

"Just grab one, I don't care which one you chose," she said, trying not to laugh now.

Harrison ended up not being able to decide so Tom did. They then grabbed some fruit and vegetables, payed, and got back into the car, Y/n driving again.

"I really don't understand why I have to drive," Y/n said, "You two know London a lot better then I do."

"We do, but it's fun watching you drive," Harrison said.

"Says the bloke who can't chose a loaf of bread," Tom replied.

"Hey, I've already offended your girlfriend once," Harrison said in defense, "I didn't want to make the wrong choice."

"She told you it didn't matter," Tom told him.

"Woah, it's fine," Y/n said, "Remember, I have no clue where to go."

"Oh right," Tom said, sounding slightly embarrassed, "Take a left at the next light."

They get back to the house, and put all the food away. Y/n checked her phone to check the time, but ended up seeing all the photos of her, Tom, and Harrison at Tesco.

"They can never take a break," she mumbled.

"You saw the posts?" Harrison asked.

Y/n nodded, "I don't understand how people live with the paparazzi constantly following them," Y/n said, slightly ranting now, "It's like they put trackers on them, do they do that?"

"I'm pretty sure they don't do that, Love," Tom said, "I think they just don't have a personal life, since they're always taking photos."

"I guess that could be true."

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i think the gap between my fingers
were meant for yours.

i put this on my announcements but i'll ask on here anyway. since no one on here knows my real name, what do you think my name is, based on what you know about me?

see ya later bee bro's

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