Paparazzi = Stalkers

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Y/n found her script sitting on the table in the hotel, she picked it up, and looked through it, it already had her parts marked.

So, she spent the day learning her lines, not memorizing them completely, but she did memorize a lot of it. She didn't mean to do so, but it was just the years of memorizing lines that took over.

"How's it going?" Tom asked, sitting next to her.

"Great!" she said, "I think I'm in love with my character already."

"The real question is, do you love her more than me?" Tom asked.

Y/n smiled, "I don't know, Tom," she teased, "It's pretty close."

Tom kissed her, Y/n was surprised, but kissed him back, "How about now?" Tom asked after they pulled away.

"Hmm," Y/n smirked, "I'll tell you tonight."

Tom groaned, "Sometimes you're impossible, Y/n," he said.

"I know," Y/n replied, "It's a personality trait."

Tom smiled, and gave her a peck on the lips, "Sure, Love," he said, he then checked his watch, "Did you want to eat?"

"Uh, yeah," Y/n said in a matter of fact tone, "I'm always up to eat."

Tom chuckled, "There's a restaurant right next to the hotel, do you want to go there?"

"Sure, I'm not like Dylan, I'm fine with anywhere," Y/n said closing her script, standing up, "What's the place called?"

"I'm not actually sure," Tom said, "I saw it and thought you might like it, are you ready to go now, or did you want to go later?"

"Now, please," she said, "I haven't eaten since this morning, and it would be a lie if I told you I was only famished."

Tom chuckled, they grabbed their things and left the hotel. Tom was right it was right next to their hotel.

It was called the South City Kitchen, and it turned out that Tom had already made a reservation for the two of them. Y/n smiled, she thought that was super romantic.

Tom had been planning this dinner since the day they found out that Y/n was going to be in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

He also knew that Y/n could always eat, so it was easy to play it off as a normal suggestion to go and eat.

They got seated at a table right next to a window and Y/n had the biggest smile on her face, "So, when did you make the reservation?" she asked.

"Last week, that night when Jon called you," Tom said.

Y/n's cheeks felt warm, "I love you so much," she said, Tom put his hand on Y/n's hand.

"I bet I love you more," he said. Y/n could feel her face burning even more now, that's when there was a flash.

Both of them groaned, taking them out of the romantic mood, it was the paparazzi. Y/n had always hated them, their whole job was to stalk people, and take pictures of them, without their permission.

From what all schools said, when talking about internet safety was to never take pictures of someone with out their permission.

The paparazzi apparently never learned that.

The fact they had a window table didn't help, the paparazzi were right there, taking pictures.

Y/n rolled her eyes and looked at Tom, "You know thinking about it, being a pharmacist is basically being a drug dealer, but it's not frowned upon," Y/n said, "And the paparazzi is basically the acceptable version of a stalker," she finished.

Tom raised an eyebrow, "How long have you thought about that?" he asked, with a small smile.

"Months," Y/n confessed, "They're so annoying, why can't I have a romantic dinner with my cute boyfriend without being followed?"

Tom shrugged, "I agree I just wanted to have a nice dinner with my super cute girlfriend."

Y/n blushed even harder than before, Tom smiled seeing her blushing, "You okay, Love?" he asked, "Did you need some water?"

Y/n shook her head. They looked at their menus and after a few minutes a waiter came over and took their order.

The waiter kept trying not to look at the paparazzi, which made for a good laugh for Tom and Y/n after.

They talked about more on the weird topic about paparazzi and stalkers, pharmacist and drug dealers, that Y/n brought up.

"I don't know how you think of something like that," Tom said.

"I'm not entirely sure either," Y/n said, "It's probably from all the nights I stayed up with Kate talking about the most random things. Oh I'll have to tell her we talked about this."

"How many nights in the two months you two were roommates did you stay up?" Tom asked.

"Well," Y/n said, she had to think hard about this, they did it way more than one time, but she wasn't sure how many times, "You know I'm not sure, it was pretty often."

Tom raised an eyebrow, "Is that why you would text me in the morning? When it was morning in London," Tom said, Y/n would text him in the morning, which he now realized was really late for her.

"Yes sir," she said, "Don't be worried, I somehow made it through the day only on less than five hours of sleep, for two months."

Tom sighed, "You should get more sleep," he said.

"Hey, I'll be fine," Y/n said squeezing his hand, "And if I pass out on set from lack of sleep, you can say that you told me so," she told him.

"Fine, but I'm making sure you sleep tonight," Tom said. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and nodded, "Anything for you Tom."

Their food finally came, and they immediately dug in.

"This is really good," Y/n said, after a few bites of her salad.

"I'm glad you like it," Tom said.

After they finished eating they left the restaurant where they were bombarded with questions, and more fan girls, the two of them answered one question, and kindly asked the teens who wanted to get a picture that they would rather not since the paparazzi was swarming them.

Luckily the girls were okay with it and Tom and Y/n quickly made it back to their hotel room.


my love for you is like dividing by zero
it can't be defined.

low key kinda want to be a pharmacist now

see ya later bee bro's

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