A Theater Kid or Something

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Y/n was still trying to process what happened, when someone came up to her, "You're Y/n right?"

Y/n nodded, lots of people had asked her that exact question all day, "Yeah."

"Okay, you're in this next scene," they told her, "If we could just have you go and sit over there."

Y/n nodded again, and walked over to where the person said to go, Tom smiled when he saw her, and sent her a wink.

Y/n rolled her eyes, and sat down, "How are you?" she asked when he walked over to her.

"I'm doing good," he said, "How are you?"

"I still feel like I'm dreaming, like the last five months didn't happen and I'm just having an abnormally long dream." Y/n told him.

He gave her a small pinch, "Did you feel that?"

"Of course I did," she smiled, "I'm pretty sure I can tell when I'm asleep, at least I think I do."

Tom gave a small chuckle, "I hope you're not dreaming," he said, "but if you were this would be a fantastic book you could write."

"I'm not much of a writer," Y/n shrugged, "It would definitely be a work of art."

"I bet it would be," Tom said.

"Tom stop flirting, with the new girl, we have a scene to film," Tony Revolori shouted.

"I guess I should go so we can film the scene." Tom said, "And maybe tell Tony we're dating."

Y/n nodded, and Tom left, "Okay, thank you Tom for going to your spot," Jon Watts shouted, "Three, two, one, action."

They filmed all day, it was very tiring, it wasn't as bad as musical theater, but Y/n felt exhausted at the end of the day.

"You're the new girl right?" Tony asked, walking up to Y/n.

"That's me," Y/n said.

"You know Tom has a girlfriend right? He missed a whole week to go and see her, I wouldn't catch feelings," Tony said.

Y/n kept a straight face and frowned, "Really? He didn't tell me that."

"Yeah apparently they met of a cruise, she's a theater kid or something."

"Weird," Y/n said, it was getting a little harder for her to keep up her act, "He never mentioned that, what's her name?"

"It was like Y/n I think," Tony shrugged, "I never caught your name."

"That's strange, I have the same name as her," Y/n said, "Weird coincidence I guess, but I'm Y/n L/n."

Tony just nodded.

Tom then walked over and hugged Y/n resting his head on her shoulders, "Hey Tony," he said.

Tony's eyes widened, "I thought you were dating someone. Wasn't her name like Y/n L/n..." he said trailing off, "Oh, this is her isn't it."

"Yeah," Y/n said grinning, "I'm sorry, I was going to tell you but I just couldn't."

"Ah right, you're a theater kid," he recalled.

"Yes Ma'am," Y/n said.

"She brought her tap shoes on our cruise and I didn't even notice," Tom said.

"They're in the hotel," Y/n said, "I bring them everywhere, well except right now."

"You got an attractive girl, Tom," Tony said, "And she's smart."

"Thank?" Y/n said confused.

"We should probably go, Robert wanted to get dinner with us," Tom said, awkwardly.

"Have fun," Tony said, and Y/n and Tom left.

"So is it just going to be Robert?" Y/n asked Tom.

"I know Susan's going to be their but he didn't say anything about his kids," Tom replied.

"I hope he brought his kids, I love kids," Y/n said, "Well depends on the kid, but you know what I mean."

Tom chuckled, "I know what you're talking about."

The drove for a bit, when they stopped in front of a restaurant, "Don't worry, Robert said he got us seats in the back," Tom said seeing Y/n's worried expression.

"Good," Y/n sighed, "I don't want a sequel of what happened yesterday."

The two of them got out of the car and walked into the restaurant, where they were greeted by Robert.

"My two favorite teens," he smiled.

"Technically we're adults," Tom said, "But I guess we are teenagers in the movie."

Y/n smiled, "How are you?" she asked.

"I'm doing good," Robert said, "Y/n this is my amazing wife, Susan."

Susan Downey nodded, and put a hand out, which Y/n shook, "It's nice to meet you," Susan said.

"It's nice to meet you two," Y/n replied.

"I hope you don't mind, but we brought Avri and Exton with us," Robert said.

Y/n's eyes widened slightly, "It's fine, Y/n was hoping you did," Tom said.

"That may or not be true," Y/n said.

They went and sat down and like Tom said the table was at the back of the restaurant.

The dinner was nice and not interrupted by the paparazzi, Y/n and Tom had a great time with the Downey's.

"We should go and put these two to bed," Robert said after they had finished eating, "But it was nice to have dinner with you two."

"It was great," Y/n smiled.

"You're going to be on set tomorrow, Robert?" Tom asked.

"That I am," Robert replied, "Tomorrow is going to be a good day."

Tom and Y/n laughed, "I hope it is," Y/n said.

They said their goodbyes and Tom and Y/n drove back to the hotel.

"That was fun," Y/n said.

"It was great, especially since you were there," Tom told her.

Y/n gave a small laugh, "Thanks Tom, I think you made tonight amazing," she said, "Not that it wasn't already."

"You're not going to stay up tonight, right?" Tom asked her.

"I don't think I will, I'm pretty exhausted," Y/n yawned, "Who knew shooting a movie would be so tiring?"

"I don't know, Love."


on a scale of 1 to 10
you're a 9
and i'm the 1 you need

i did so much math today i might die

see ya later bee bro's

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