But You're Not Tom Holland

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It was exam season now, Y/n was very stressed, she had a Chemistry, World Dance, surprisingly Creative Writing, Music Dance Theater, and English exams.

All she did now was study, because she was always interrupted when she was studying.

The three times she tried to study at the library, people kept bugging her, asking for photos, or just taking photos of her from behind bookshelves.

However, when she tried to study at home in her room, Dylan's friends were always there, always bugging Y/n.

"Dylan I swear, shut up!" Y/n yelled, "I'm trying to study, you and your friends need to go somewhere else!"

"Just close your door!" Dylan yelled back.

"It is closed!" Y/n yelled, "But yet I can still hear you!"

"She's so annoying," Dylan sighed.

"But she's hot," his friend said.

Dylan gave him a look of disgust, "Eww Tyler that is disgusting," he said, "She's my sister."

"She's not my sister," Tyler shrugged, "I'm just saying she's hot, and maybe I could have a chance with her."

"We both know she has a boyfriend," Dylan sighed, "She's never going to chose you over Tom."

"Well, I'm better than Tom Holland," Tyler said smugly.

Dylan started laughing, "Tyler, we both know that, that's incorrect," he said.

"No it's not," Tyler said, "I'm definitely better than Tom Holland,"

"Tom is better than you," Y/n said walking into the kitchen, "Sorry to break it to you, but he's about infinite times better."

Tyler looked at her, his mouth agape, "How can you be sure?"

Y/n rolled her eyes, grabbing an apple, "I lived with him for more than a month in two different countries."

"B-but you've never dated me," Tyler protested.

"It would be illegal for me to date you," Y/n said, "Plus, I already have a cute boyfriend."

"An attractive girl like you deserves a hot boyfriend," Tyler said, "Not someone who's only cute."

"Thomas, did you hear that?" Y/n said, "I guess I'm going to have to break up with you."

Dylan and Tyler shot each other worried glances.

"Did he hear that?" Tyler whispered.

"Yeah," Y/n laughed, "Kylee said Harrison is pretty hot, maybe I'll have to ask him on a date sometime."

"Y/n are you on a call with Tom?" Dylan asked.

Y/n looked over at him, "Oh yeah," she said taking out her AirPods, "Can you still hear me Tom?"

"Of course I can, Darling," Tom replied, "Now, who's the bloke that said you deserve a hot boyfriend, because I think I'm pretty hot."

Tyler looked at Y/n with a worried expression, "It was Dylan's friend," Y/n said, "He's not really a threat."

"Hey-" Tyler said.

"Don't listen to Y/n," Dylan said, "Even if she's right," he added.

"Well I have to go study," Y/n told the boys, "So calm down, I would love to pass my exams."

"Bye Dylan," Tom said over the phone, as Y/n walked away.

"I'm still better than him," Tyler mumbled.

Dylan put a hand on his shoulder, "Sure you are."

The night before her exams, Y/n stayed up studying all night, cramming all the extra information she needed to know for the next day.

However, after three hours of studying, Y/n fell asleep while going through her World Dance notes.

"Y/n! Wake up!" Dylan shouted, walking into her room, "Mom made you a fancy breakfast, just because you're taking your exams."

Y/n groaned, sitting up, and stretched, "Okay, tell her I'll be down in a couple of minutes."

Dylan nodded and walked off humming the Shake It Up theme song.

Y/n chuckled, and got up, first washing her face, and then getting changed into something comfortable but nice.

Y/n walked down stairs into the kitchen, when her phone started ringing, "One second, I'll be back," she said to no one in particular.

"Hey Tom," she smiled.

"Hi, Darling," he replied, "You have exams today?"

"Yeah," Y/n groaned, "I wish I could be back on set again, but I would love to be class of 2020."

"It'll be worth it in the end," Tom reassured her, "That way when the two of us don't have jobs when we become unpopular, you can have a good job."

Y/n smiled thinking about it, "I guess you're right," she agreed, "But I do expect you to have something in mind to do when that happens."

"Easy, I'll become a director," Tom said, "I've wanted to direct a film of some sort for a while now."

Y/n laughed, "Well I'll be with you every step of the way," she told him, "Except if I die from taking the exams."

"You'll do just fine, Y/n," Tom said, "You're one of the most brilliant people I know."

"I hope so, some how all my exams got scheduled within two days," she sighed, "I really hope I don't die."

"I promise you won't," Tom reassured her, "But if you happen to die, I'll fly over there immediately."

Y/n laughed, "Maybe I'll have to fake my death to see you again," Y/n joked.

Tom chuckled, "It's only a couple more weeks," he said, "And believe me, I've been counting the days till I can see you again."

"He has," Y/n heard Harrison said, "Every morning he has a smile on his face, saying, 'twenty-eight day' it however long it is."

"Well I've been counting down as well," Y/n grinned, "But I have to go eat, and then head to my Chemistry exam, so I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, Y/n," Tom said.

"Bye, Tom," Y/n replied, then hanging up.

She walked back into the kitchen and sat down at the table, and started eater her breakfast.

"Who called you?" her mom asked.

"Tom, he was wishing me good luck," Y/n replied, a big smile on her face.

"How many more days until you see him again?" her mom asked, knowing Y/n wanted someone to ask her that.

"Twenty-eight days," she grinned, "And two more weeks till I'm done with school."

"Well you better finish eating," her mom said, "You do have plenty of exams to take.

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i heard you're good in algebra.
can you replace my x without asking y.

see ya later bee bro's

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