Who Packed Water Guns?

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Tom and Y/n walked into the movie theater where they met Harrison and Dylan who came in at a different time, and sat in their designated seats.

Tom was still being a little awkward, but Y/n didn't mind.

"Stop acting like you did something horrible," Y/n ended up saying, "you did the opposite."

"Why were you so nice to her even after you heard what she said?" Tom whispered, the theater was almost full now.

"Because Zendaya is a cool person, and I still want to be friends with her," Y/n shrugged, "I can't help the fact that my boyfriend is attractive."

Tom blushed a little, "Then why were you so cold to Olivia, and not Z?"

"Well Olivia is, well she just kinda, sucks," Y/n said, "She just outright hated me, just for being with you, and if Zendaya hates me, well, she's really good at pretending she doesn't."

"Girls are complicated," Tom sighed.

"That is correct," Y/n laughed.

"I just want to say, you look stunning tonight," Tom said, grabbing Y/n's hand, "And I think you're the perfect date."

It was Y/n's turn to blush, "You look very handsome tonight," Y/n said, "And there's no way I'd be here if it wasn't for you."

Tom smiled, and was about to say something when the movie started.

Tom immediately cringed when he saw himself, which made Y/n laugh quietly.

"Don't laugh at me," Tom whispered.

"Ha. Ha." Y/n laughed sarcastically.

Tom rolled his eyes and kept watching the movie.

Y/n had to admit she did cringe at least once at one of her scenes, but what was she going to do about it? Sue Marvel for making her look stupid, even though she did that by herself?

Y/n also couldn't lie and say she didn't cry, because that's all she was doing at the end. Tom was a gentlemen, and brought tissues with him, he was crying as well, just not as much as Y/n.

When it ended Y/n and and Tom day there for a moment, taking in what they just watched.

"People I know are going to watch this," Y/n said, "My teachers now and before are going to watch this."

"So are mine," Tom replied, "You did amazing Y/n, and I think they'll all agree."

"Everyone on who was on the cruise could and probably will see this," Y/n said.

"Y/n calm down, you'll be just fine," Tom reassured her, "I think you did an amazing job, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks."

"You're right," Y/n said taking a deep breath, "We should probably leave."

"No duh," Dylan said from behind them, "We should also go get some food."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "How long have you been sitting there?"

"Since the end of the movie," Dylan shrugged, "Haz went to the bathroom, so he should be here in about like- speak of the devil."

Harrison walked over to them, "Aye mate, let's leave," he said.

"Haz, can you let me and my girlfriend have a moment without interrupting us?" Tom asked.

"You had a whole three hours to do that," Dylan said, "Come on, let's go, and eat."

Y/n sighed and got up, "Let's go do that."

The next day Y/n and Tom were exhausted, but Harrison and Dylan did not let them sleep in.

At about nine in the morning, Harrison and Dylan snuck into Tom and Y/n's hotel room, quietly walking up to their bed.

"When I say go," Harrison whispered, "We spray them."

Dylan nodded, pulling out his water gun.


Harrison and Dylan started shooting water at Y/n and Tom instantly waking them up.

"What the heck- Dylan!" Y/n said loudly, quickly hiding under the blanket.

"Haz! What are you doing?" Tom asked, pulling up the blanket to protect him from the water.

"Waking you up," Harrison replied, putting the water gun down, "It's okay to come out now, we've put the water guns down. Right, Dylan?"

Dylan sighed and put his water gun down in the floor, "Yes, they're on the floor."

Y/n and Tom slowly pulled down the blankets, and looked.

"You two suck," Y/n huffed, "I'm exhausted, and you decide to wake me up with water guns?"

"You're right, big sis," Dylan said, "We should've used ice water and pored that on you instead."

"I'm never buying you ice cream again," Y/n said getting out of bed, "How'd you like that?"

"Fine," Dylan said, "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have done that, even though it was hilarious," he gave Harrison a high-five, "So can you please keep buying me ice cream?"

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Yes, but I'm making you pay for part of it now."

"Hurry up and get ready, we have things to do today," Harrison said, dragging Dylan out of the room.

"They're gone, finally," Tom breathed.

"That is a blessing," Y/n laughed, "But, do you want to match today?"

Tom smiled, getting out of bed, "I would love to do that."

Tom and Y/n wore the Spider-Man Vans, and tee shirts Marvel got them, Y/n called Harrison and told him and Dylan to wear the same outfit.

"I am going to be a trend setter," Y/n said, sliding the Spider-Man ring on.

"You already were one," Tom said, kissing her cheek.

"Why thank you, it's an honor to hear that from the highest of royalty." Y/n smirked.

"You're never going to stop that are you?" Tom asked.

Y/n laughed a little, "Unless Anthony gets his own movie, then you're forever Princess Tom."

Tom sighed and they left the hotel room, meeting Harrison and Dylan in the lobby.

"Wow, we match so well," Dylan said unenthusiastically.

"Dylan shut it," Y/n said, "I know you secretly love it."

"Like I would ever like this," he mumbled.

They were about to leave when Y/n got a call from an unknown number.

"I have to take this," Y/n said.

"Hello?" Y/n answered.

"Hi, is this Y/n L/n?" the caller asked.

"This is Y/n."

"Hi, Y/n, I'm Taylor Jetsmen, I called your agent, and she sent me your number."

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you. Is there anything you needed?"

"I work for Broadway, and they've seen your tap dancing-"

"Broadway? Like New York City?" Y/n interrupted, there was no way Broadway would see her tap dancing.

Taylor laughed, "Yes, they would like to fly you to New York for the Summer and teach a tap class."


are you a banana?
because i find you a peeling.

see ya later bee bro's

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