His Name Isn't Tanner

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"Oliva?" Y/n asked.

"Uh, yeah, who else would it be," Olivia answered.

"You go to BYU?" Y/n asked, Tom hadn't said anything, "How have I not seen you?"

"You know I'm not sure," Olivia said, "How are you, Tanner?"

"Tanner?" someone said, "That's Tom Holland."

Olivia heard that and looked enraged, "So you two aren't cousins? You lied to everyone on the cruise." she fumed.

"Yeah, pretty much," Y/n said, "I mean you were stupid enough to believe it."

"I can't believe you," she hissed, her voice staring to rise.

"I terribly sorry to say this," Tom said, intervening the two girls argument, "But Y/n isn't wrong."

Olivia's jaw dropped, "I can't believe you, and especially you Tom," Olivia said, storming off.

After she left Y/n smiled, "Can't wait to talk to her again after the break," Y/n said.

"How are you so calm about that?" Tom asked her.

"I could care less about people who hate me," Y/n said, "I mean it hurts when somethings are said, but I have more important things to worry about."

Tom grabbed her hand and squeezed it, "Why are you so smart?" he asked, smiling.

"It may have been all the ap classes I took," Y/n said, "Or being in shows all my life, and dealing with people like Olivia."

"I should think more like that," Tom replied, smiling.

After finishing their food Tom got up, "I'll go get the ice cream," he said.

"Tom, I think I should, do you know what you want?" Y/n asked.

"No, I don't but I don't want you to have to get up," he said.

Y/n smiled, "Thanks, but I know what I want," she said, "I can get you something based on other flavors you like."

"Y/n, really, it's fine I can get you what you want," Tom said.

"Okay," Y/n said giving in, "I want the mint brownie ice cream."

Tom smiled and went to get their ice creams.

"Hey pretty lady," someone said walking up to Y/n.

Y/n looked up, it was Oliver, another student who had been tried to take Y/n out on a date.

"Oliver, I can't do this right now," Y/n sighed, "I'm on a date at the moment," she said.

"Who asked you that made you say yes?" Oliver asked, "Because I've been asking you for months."

"I'd like to have you know, it was my boyfriend," she said.

Oliver looked shocked, "When did you get a boyfriend?" he asked.

"We met on a cruise this past summer, and we've been long distance dating since," she said, "He surprised me today, and is going to be here all break."

"What's his name, and what does he look like?" he asked.

Y/n pointed at Tom, "That's him, his name is Tom." she said smiling.

"You mean that guys who looks like Tom Holland?" he asked, then it dawned on him, "You're dating Tom Holland?" he asked very loudly.

"Shh," Y/n shushed, "Yes, yes I am."

Girls started recognizing Tom and went over to get photos with him, but Tom couldn't leave the line. So, he took pictures with a few fans, and quickly got to the front of the line.

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