Totino's, Totino's Hot Pizza Rolls

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Y/n pulled the key to her dorm out and unlocked the door, the two of them walked in, when Y/n frowned.

"How am I going to tell Kate," she said to herself, Tom frowned as well, realizing the same problem.

"I don't know, Darling," he said.

"Wait," Y/n said her eyes widened, "Did I say that out loud?" she asked.

"Yes, you said that out loud," Tom chuckled.

Y/n covered her mouth, "I need to stop doing that," she said.

"Darling, it's fine," Tom said, "It was just a simple mistake, I'm sure you won't die for saying that."

"Yeah, but what if she was here? She's with Hyrum right now, but what if she was still here," Y/n stressed, "That could have gone horribly."

"Well, she's not here at the moment, but if you want to come up with a plan of what to do, I can help with that."

Y/n smiled, "Thanks Tom, it means a lot."

They spent the next hour coming up with idea on how Y/n could break the news to Kate, because if she left, then Kate would have to get a new roommate, and Y/n didn't know how Kate would react to that.

It was around three, when they finally had an idea that could work, but Y/n was going to wait till that night when it was just Kate and her in the dorm to tell her.

Y/n and Tom then decided to watch some Netflix, not sure what to do, "Okay, this is a very important question," Y/n said pulling out her MacBook, "Do you like The Office?"

"It depends on which one you're talking about," Tom replied, "If you're talking about the American version, than of course I love it."

"Okay, good," Y/n said a smile on her face, "Which season shall we watch?"

"How about season five," Tom suggested, "Stress Relief."

Y/n smiled, and kissed him on the cheek, "That's my favorite episode."

"Angela, where's Angela? Oh there you are, I couldn't see you behind that grain of rice, boom roasted," Y/n quoted.

"That was a good one," Tom laughed, "How many times have you watched the office?"

"I don't know if I should tell you, you might feel like you haven't seen it enough," Y/n smirked.

"Try me," Tom said.

"Well I might have watched it twelve times," she said, she laughed seeing the shock on Tom's face, "Well, how many times have you seen it?"

"Not twelve times, I think I'm on my sixth time," he confessed.

"You'll get there," Y/n said patting his head, "Did you want something to eat?"

"That would be great, Darling," Tom replied.

Y/n got up and walked over to the kitchen, she pulled out a bag of Totino's Pizza Rolls, "You're good with Totino's, right?" Y/n asked.

"That would be great," he said, he was on his phone, doing who knows what.

Y/n pulled out a plate and opened the bag, and put twelve of the pizza rolls on a plate (that's what the instructions said) and put them in her microwave for two minutes.

She then pulled her phone out and took a picture of Tom just sitting on the couch, looking cute.

After the two minutes were over she pulled the pizza rolls from the microwave, and put them on the counter.

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